Patients With Moderate To Severe Periodontitis Need to Be Evaluated For Cardiovascular Problems

According to a paper by editors of The American Journal of Cardiology and Journal of Peridontology patients with moderate to severe periodontitis should receive evaluation and possible treatment to reduce their risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease which is the accumulation of lipid products within the arterial vascular wall.. For those not sure, periodontisis is a bacterially-induced, chronic inflammatory disease, that destroys connective tissue and bone that supports the teeth. In the United States it affects 30 to 50% of adults in the more mild and moderate forms and the severe form affects 5 to 15% of all adults in the USA. The explanation for the link between periodontitis and atherosclerotic CVD is not yet clear, but a leading candidate is inflammation caused by the immune system. In recent years the inflammation is now recognized as a significant active participant in … Read more