David After Dentist

I found a website http://davidafterdentist.com/ that is doing very well for pretty much just having a YouTube video and some background information.

The site features a video of a 7 year old who had a condition called hyperdontia and had to have a tooth removed. The video shows the aftermath of the kid in the backseat of his father’s car while his father takes a video with a flip video camera. His quite out of it from the anesthesia.

Apparently the video is generating the family six figures a year in income, which is very successful. This shows that one successful video can really take off and lead to fame as most of us know by now.

5 thoughts on “David After Dentist”

  1. I had no idea that youtube could generate a person six figures per year. Another thought/question regarding youtube, does it help dental practices to make youtube videos? Or, what kind of youtube videos could help a dental practice get more patients?

  2. meant to reply to this a few days ago, but yeah I’m still a bit suprised that davidafterdentist is really generating six figures from a youtube video. That was reported but I’m not quite sure where the money is coming from.

    As far as dental videos to help promote the practice you have to be clever. I can think of a few potential ways to use youtube videos but I’m not sure I want to just give away these ideas. I would look up viral videos and learn more about the history to help aid you in the right direction.

  3. @Hong Kong Dentist

    Look on the blog on the website or look around the internet. Definitely has been reported he making at least 6 figures.

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