Animals Have Room for Wisdom Teeth

An article recently posted by Popular Science suggests that animals have room for wisdom teeth. An evolutionary biologist named Leslea Hlusko of the University of California, Berkeley, suggests that the shape of your jaw is partially determined by what you eat when you are growing up. Since unlike animals, humans cook all the meat they eat usually and do not just tear it off raw, jaws have become smaller in size. The article also suggests that if you eat a lot of raw carrots and other tubers as a child this may help to make the jaw larger when you get older and thus better accomedate your wisdom teeth so the wisdom teeth do not have to be removed.

People Often Tend to Find Like Minded Information

A new analysis of data from numerous studies shows that while people tend to avoid information that contradicts what they already think or believe, certain factors can cause them to seek out, or at least consider, other points of view. A new analysis was lead by researchers at the University of Illinois and the University of Florida and included data from nearly a 100 studies and 8,000 participants. The team also included researchers from Northwestern University and Ohio University. The studies they reviewed generally asked participants about their views on a given topic and then allowed them to choose whether they wanted to view or read information supporting their own or an opposing point of view. The researchers found that people are about twice as likely to select information that supports their own point of view, 67%, as to consider … Read more

Todd Rozen – Geisinger

Dr. Todd Rozen, who was formerly at the Michigan Head Pain and Neurological Institute has moved to Geisinger Health System in Danville, PA. I saw Dr. Rozen several times while he was located in the midwest, since it was in driving distance. However now that he is in Pennsylvania, driving is out of the question and I don’t think I will be seeing him anymore. This is unfortunate since he is without a doubt the best doctor I have seen thus far. I am not quite sure why he made the move as many at MHNI are quite upset. However, others in PA must be happy for the opportunity to possibly get treated for NDPH and their chronic headache conditions. I just thought I would make an update in case you missed it.

Patients With Moderate To Severe Periodontitis Need to Be Evaluated For Cardiovascular Problems

According to a paper by editors of The American Journal of Cardiology and Journal of Peridontology patients with moderate to severe periodontitis should receive evaluation and possible treatment to reduce their risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease which is the accumulation of lipid products within the arterial vascular wall.. For those not sure, periodontisis is a bacterially-induced, chronic inflammatory disease, that destroys connective tissue and bone that supports the teeth. In the United States it affects 30 to 50% of adults in the more mild and moderate forms and the severe form affects 5 to 15% of all adults in the USA. The explanation for the link between periodontitis and atherosclerotic CVD is not yet clear, but a leading candidate is inflammation caused by the immune system. In recent years the inflammation is now recognized as a significant active participant in … Read more

Wisdom Teeth and Dentist Culture

I found an interesting article today on how the “Culture of research led to changes in extraction of wisdom teeth.” The article addressed wisdom teeth removal surgery in the United Kingdom (UK) and how this has changed over time. An interesting tidbit is there were 130,000 surgical extraction procedures conducted in England and Wales in 1995.  By 2002, this number had fallen to less than 60,000. The reason was because of research and learning from evidence. There is no benefit to extracting  healthy impacted wisdom teeth since the procedure caries the risk of damage to facial nerves. It is unfortunate that a similar policy has not been implemented in the United States. On a lighter note, another website discusses deranged dentist names. It is not exactly clear were some of the readers are from, however, some of them are amusing. … Read more