Sarah Billington On Late Show with David Letterman

This is from the Late Show with David Letterman on January 4th, 2008.

Sarah enjoyed the time to catch up on things like going to the dentist. She unfortunately learned that she had to get her wisdom teeth pulled.

She had no desire to be knocked out so she requested the gas. After a few doses, she felt she needed more. The dentist said to his assistant, “OK, Johnny Cash her!” She was given so much gas that she started freaking out. She couldn’t sit still. She finally requested to be knocked out. They did that, but the last thing she remembers before going bye-bye was hearing the doctor saying, “Whoops! She swallowed it!”

When she came to, she found her boyfriend getting directions from the dentist for her to go for a chest x-ray. And Sarah has the x-ray with her. Dave holds it up and we see the wisdom tooth lodged in her chest area. Ouch!

Dave asks, “Is it still there?”

Sarah: “I don’t think so.”

Dave decides not to pursue that line of questioning.

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