Should you use Sutures when having Wisdom Teeth Out?

A study titled “A comparative study of the effect of suture-less and multiple suture techniques on inflammatory complications following third molar surgery” appears in the 2012 (in press) International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgry by O.D. Osunde, R.A. Adebola, and B. D. Saheeb.

The study in Nigeria included 80 patients between the ages of 18 and 30 who had a mandibular third molar extracted. These patients were randomized into 2 treatment groups A: (suture-less – no sitches) and B: multiple sutures.

The operation time was found to be roughly 3 minutes longer in the sutures group (statistically significant). In addition, the suture-less group experienced less pain, swelling, and trismus on post-operative days 1 and 2 (statistically significant).

In the article the authors state:

“The suture-less technique is cheap, saves operative time, minimizes manipulation of soft tissue and hence causes less surgical morbidity.In addition, with a suture-less technique, like other surgical closure methods that allow for drainage of inflammatory exudates, there may be no need for additional medications such as steroids, use of ice packs, or laser applications. Compared with other secondary closure techniques, suture-less third molar surgery is less traumatic, is devoid of foreign bodies such as gauze or rubber drains and does not require additional hospital visits for removal of sutures, drains or both.”

The authors however do mention some drawbacks of not using sutures which can be that healing times are delayed and that there is a higher potential for formation of a periodontal pocket.

The authors end by saying:

“This study has shown that a suture-less technique can be used in third molar surgery, including those performed via standard incisions. The suture-less technique is a simple and viable option for minimizing the postoperative morbidity associated with inflammatory sequelae after third molar surgery.”

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