Preventing Tooth Decay: Five Simple Dental Care Tips

Everyone hates going to the dentist and yet, most of us neglect our oral hygiene. Oral hygiene doesn’t require a lot of time and effort, but it does require consistency. You need to spend less than 10 minutes every day to prevent tooth decay and save yourself a whole lot of money and pain! Tooth decay is a slow process so it’s not too late to start paying attention to your oral hygiene. A regular dental care routine is essential for healthy teeth. You may have seen fancy dental gadgets in the store, but you don’t really need them – just a toothbrush and floss is enough to keep tooth decay at bay. Here are 5 simple ways to prevent tooth decay: 1. Brush Twice a Day Most of us are so tired by the end of the day, that … Read more

Why you must start flossing

From an early age, we are taught the importance of looking after our teeth. It becomes a daily routine to brush our teeth, something that we don’t even think about, and it’s a routine that stays with us throughout our lives. It is an important part of personal health, for teeth serve a very important purpose: without them, eating your favourite meals would be very difficult! Teeth can decay easily if they are not looked after, which results in the need to have fillings or extraction. So, what can we do to make sure we have healthy, clean teeth? We’ve already mentioned how important regular brushing is, but have you considered flossing? It is highly recommended by dentists, and many believe it should be a vital part of your daily routine. Even if you have a busy schedule – perhaps … Read more