Rethinking dental insurance

An interesting article titled “Time to rethink dental “insurance”” written by Marko Vujicic appears in the Nov. 2017 issue of JADA (vol. 147 issue 12, pp. 907–910). The article explorers some issues surrounding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the U.S. and it’s impact and medical insurance and dental insurance and argues that dental insurance should be combined into dental insurance. It says that the percentage of Americans lacking health insurance coverage has fallen to 9.2%, which is lower than pre-ACA levels. In addition more Americans than before now now have a personal physician, health care costs are growing at much lower rates, and amount out-of-pocket health spending is declining. The article states “Earlier predictions that the ACA would cause dramatic increases in premiums, the elimination of health insurance coverage by employers, and a slowdown in the US economy have not happened. (emphasis … Read more