This Is What Will Happen To Your Teeth If You Give Up Sugar 

When you smile, do you show people that you’re healthy or that you have health problems? If you’re eating too much sugar, you’re damaging your teeth. Your smile will reveal cavities and gum disease, which will dent your confidence and can lead to other health problems. Decreasing how much sugar you eat is important to staying healthy while preserving a beautiful smile. By cutting out sugar, you will boost your oral health, which will have positive effects on the rest of your body. Cutting Out Sugar Prevents Oral Bacteria There are two main types of bacteria that are found in the mouth. These are Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sorbrinus. These bacteria like to eat the sugar you eat, which forms dental plaque on your teeth. This is basically a transparent but sticky coating that forms on the surface of your teeth. … Read more