Shared Medical Appointments for Wisdom Teeth Informed Consent

In the past informed consent for wisdom teeth surgery has been discussed on this site, see for example the post Informed Consent in Dentistry: Can Change Impact Personal Injury Cases? Often when it comes to have wisdom teeth surgery patients are shown a video discussing risks and benefits and treatment options related to wisdom teeth, then have an opportunity to discuss with their surgeon and ask any questions, and then sign a document acknowledging that they understand the risks and benefits. Such interaction typically places in a one on one setting with just the patient and the doctor. The patient is of course then billed for this appointment and must either pay out of pocket or pay what is remaining from their insurance plan and after meeting any insurance plan deductibles. There are some ways to possibly decrease the cost … Read more

Numb chin syndrome: what dentists should know

An interesting article titled “Numb chin syndrome: What all oral health care professionals should know,” written by Christina Perez and et al. appears in the Journal of the American Dental Association (published May 26, 2022). The article discusses the rare sensory neuropathy of the mental nerve called numb chin syndrome (NCS) and to inform oral health professionals and dentists of the clinical characteristics since they may be the first to encounter it in their patients. In the article the authors found a total of 2,374 studies in PubMed and the Cochrane Library. Based on the authors inclusion and exclusion criteria 102 articles were left. From these 102 articles, 8 studies were observational, 85 were case reports, and nine were letters to the editor. The articles included 288 patients which the authors performed descriptive statistics on. This resulted in numb chin … Read more

Rare abscess in chewing muscle after wisdom tooth extraction

An interesting article titled “A Rare Infratemporal Fossa Abscess of the Lateral Pterygoid” appears in Cureus written by B.S. Daines, R. Varman, and J. Cordero (May 27, 2022, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. e25391). The article discusses how a 26 year old man developed an infratemporal fossa abscess in the lateral pterygoid, a masticatory muscle used for chewing, after having a wisdom tooth extraction. The article discusses how the 26 year old man developed facial swelling after having two upper wisdom teeth extracted. He presented with facial swelling on his left side which was accompanied by constant and dull pain localized to the left face with radiation to the left temple and made worse when he opened his jaw. The man also had a low grade fever and his symptoms persisted even with taking oral amoxicillin for one week and … Read more

Surgery Free Wisdom Tooth Bud Ablation Treatment To One Day Replace Surgery?

An interesting article titled “Fully Guided Tooth Bud Ablation in Pigs Results in Complete Tooth Bud Removal and Molar Agenesis” appears in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery written by Leigh E. Colby and David P. Watson, Vol. 81, Issue 4, pp. 456-466, Apr. 2023, Published Dec. 16, 2022. The article seems to be a follow-up to a prior article discussed on this site in the post “Tooth bud abalation of wisdom teeth may be alternative to surgery in the future“. That study had shown that fully guided microwave tooth bud ablation (3TBA) could be used to successfully remove wisdom tooth tooth buds without damaging surrounding tissues in a study with 5 pigs. The most recent study used a 28-day longitudinal characterization study to determine if healing response following fully guided microwave ablation of tooth buds in pigs would result in … Read more

What is the Estimated Amount of Wisdom Teeth Extractions in the US

An interesting article titled “Estimated Cumulative Incidence of Wisdom Tooth Extractions in Privately Insured US Patients,” written by Alan R. Schroeder and et. al. appears in Frontiers in Dental Medicine (July 2022, vol. 3, article 937165). The article sought to determine the cumulative incidence and predictors of wisdom teeth extractions in the US. The article was motived by some of the controversy around wisdom teeth extractions and to better provide frequency estimates of the procedure to help inform future quality improvement initiatives and/or clinical trials. The authors used a national dental insurance claims database of privately insured patients (IBM MarketScan Dental Database), to help estimate the incidence of wisdom teeth extractions in the US and to determine variation by sex and geographic region. The authors included all patients in the database for their study who were under 60 years of … Read more