Osteomyelitis after Wisdom Teeth Removal can Lead to Multiple Reconstructive Surgeries

Wisdom teeth removal is not without risks and complications such as osteomyelitits can occur. Osteomyelitits is an inflammation and infection of bone cortex and marrow that develops in the jaw. Some symptoms that can occur with osteomyelitits include high body temperature, increased pain, and neck swelling. In some cases emergency treatment is required to prevent death. In a case in 2012, a 24 year old man woman had an upper left and a lower right wisdom tooth extracted by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Five days after surgery the woman returned to the oral surgeon’s office where he discoveredmild swelling near the lower right wisdom tooth site, without pus, and a large amount of food debris. He irrigated the area, placed gel foam packing, and gave the woman a prescription for penicillin. Ten days after surgery the woman returned to … Read more