Anti Affordable Care Act (Anti ObamaCare) Ads with Uncle Sam

In the United States, with the ObamaCare exchanges set to go live on Tuesday and the looming government shutdown also set for Tuesday, I wanted to draw your attention to some recent ads you may have missed. Now I came across these ads watching Real time with Bill Maher last week, where Bill plays one of the ads on his program and discusses it. The videos are designed to deter young people from signing up for the ObamaCare exchanges and do so by featuring a young man and a young woman about to undergo prostate and pelvic exams. The ads are from from Generation Opportunity, a Virginia-based group with ties to the Koch brothers. I have embedded the two ads below and they both show two young college age students who have their first doctors appointment using the new ObamaCare … Read more

American Health Care System

A BBC One’s Panorama, a TV documentary show, took on the dismal state of health care in the U.S. back in January 2009 (so it is a bit dated now).  Nick Cargo. BBC documentary takes on Obama’s plans for American health care system. January 25, 2009. The documentary takes on the (now) 50.7 million uninsured citizens and the length they will go for healthcare, the..”pharmaceutical industry’s rigged pricing against the American patient, and the insurance industry’s efforts to deny care whenever possible.” Due to licensing restrictions the episode is only available for viewing by those who live in the U.K., however, it has been posted online. I have embedded the first of the three parts on YouTube below. The documentary opens up in rural Kentucy and shows many who have driven long distances in the middle of the night … Read more