Patient Stress Impact on Tooth Extraction Complications

An interesting article titled “The potential role of patient stress in rates of dental post-extraction complication” written by McDowall appears in the 2014 edition of Oral Surgery (vol. 7, pp. 162-167). The article explores whether stress, alcohol and tobacco use impacts the complication rate experienced after a tooth extraction. The authors recruited patients for the study who were at least 16 years old and having at least one tooth extracted. The patients were asked to fill out questionnaires incorporating the Global Measure of Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), the Fast Alcohol Screening Test (FAST) and questions related to tobacco use. The PSS consists of fourteen questions designed to determine how stressful the persons life is and higher scores indicated greater perceived stress. The FAST consists of four questions designed to determine the frequency too much alcohol consumption and higher scores indicate … Read more

Vertigo After Tooth Removal

An interesting case report titled “Vertigo after tooth removal” appears in the British Dental Journal written by R. O’Rorke and et al. (vol. 231, no. 3, published August 13, 2021). The article describes a 26 year old woman who experience vertigo after having two teeth surgically extracted. The woman presented to the dentist with bilateral recurrent pericoronitis in relation to distoangularly impacted lower wisdom teeth. The woman had both of these wisdom teeth extracted while under local anesthesia, although there was a four week period of time between each extraction. During a teledentistry visit three days after the second tooth surgery on the lower left side, the woman complained of moderate pain, restricted mouth opening, and nausea. The woman was told she would be okay and to continue to maintain a good oral hygiene. Later on, the woman experience new-onsent … Read more

Should you Delay a Tooth Extraction if you recently had COVID-19 (Coronavirus)?

An interesting article titled “Cavernous sinus thrombosis and blindness in a recovered (COVID-19) patient post simple tooth extraction: A case report,” is scheduled to appear in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and currently available in pre-proof form, written by Mohamed Abdelmoiz, Ahmed Nagi Alghandour, and Amr Gibaly (2022). The article discusses a case report the authors document where a man lost vision in one eye after having a tooth extracted after he had recently recovered from COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Based on this article the authors feel that patients who had recently had COVID-19 and also have diabetes should delay having tooth extractions performed for a period of time after recovering from COVID-19. In the article, the authors describe a 69 year old man with well managed diabetes who was admitted to a hospital due having hypoxia and fever. He was … Read more

Laser Therapy to Reduce Pain and Improve Healing After Tooth Removal

An interesting study titled “The effect of the low-level laser therapy on healing and pain after tooth extraction: a systematic review” written by Ribeiro et al. appears in Oral Surgery in 2017 (vol. 10, pp. 174-183). The article attempts to perform a systematic review to determine if lower level laser therapy improves healing and reduces pain after having a tooth extracted. In the past several similar studies that have been conducted have been discussed on this site see for example Using Laser Therapy after Tooth Extraction to Improve Wound Healing and Can you Use Low Level Laser Therapy After Wisdom Teeth Removal to Reduce Pain?. Low level laser therapy aids in the healing process by providing radiation that is absorbed through cytochromes in the mitochondria and then converted into energy by adenosine-50-triphosphate (ATP) which causes protein synthesis and acceleration of … Read more

How to Safely Remove Your Teeth

Both adults and children need teeth removal at one point. For children, it is a normal and natural process. Sometimes for adults, it is due to problematic teeth or health conditions. Tooth extraction is a delicate process that requires the attention of a trained dentist. For children, you are advised to let the teeth to completely become loose and fall out by itself or have the dentist remove it. Here are some tips when it comes time to remove your teeth: 1. Removing Teeth in Children This is a natural process that happens to every child. According to dentists, you should not try to hurry the process. The teeth will become loose and fall out by themselves or with a little assistance. Trying to pull the teeth too early will cause too much pain for the child. It may also … Read more