Wisdom Teeth Pictures Additions

So I added a few additional pictures to my wisdom teeth pictures section. These high quality photos of wisdom teeth are courtesy of Flickr users allowing me to use them on my site. I particularly like the image I also added below for your viewing experience. This photo shows only one wisdom tooth but has a unique view in front of a dental mirror. It is also quite a bloody wisdom tooth. Flickr image by misswangy. With permission to use. All rights are reserved to misswangy. If you enjoy using Flickr I previously talked about Wisdom Teeth Adventures which is an active group on Flickr.

Wisdom Teeth Adventures

Wisdom teeth adventures is a new group on the popular photo sharing site Flickr. You can find interesting photos and discussion from people and their wisdom teeth experiences. The link is http://www.flickr.com/groups/1010852@N25/. One of the photos is the one you can see here in this post. Others appear on my website under “My Pictures.” It really is amazing the kind of pictures and photos people are able to capture from their wisdom teeth removal experiences. Flickr image by Lone Primate. With Permission to use. Image under license.