Making a bite: The problems behind dental occlusion analysed

It’s a phrase that’s probably not an everyday term, but dental occlusion is something that affects a surprising amount of people. To put it in simple terms, it refers to the process where your teeth don’t fit together properly – your ‘bite’ just isn’t ‘right’. Fortunately, this is a condition which can be treated relatively simply. While a dentist will usually have to be spoken to first, there are occasions where something as simple as altering your diet can resolve the problem relatively quickly. As you might imagine, it’s a problem which can be caused by multiple issues. Speak to any Reading orthodontist and they would real off several possible reasons, as we take a look at four of the most common to get to the bottom of your bad bite. Cause #1 – Your teeth Unsurprisingly, there’s every chance … Read more

Keeping little teeth clean: It all starts with the toothpaste

Few parents will disagree; teaching your child to brush their teeth on a consistent basis is easier said than done. On most occasions there will be tears, tantrums and everything else involved in avoiding the habit. In simple terms, it’s just something that a little person doesn’t want to do. While we could mull over all of the techniques to make the “convincing process” easier, we’ll leave that to the parenting experts. Instead, we’re going to look at the role of toothpaste and how this is crucially important in developing young teeth. Sure, the previous sentence may sound obvious, but some of the facts regarding infant toothpaste aren’t well-documented yet can make life of the parent easier. It’s something that the children’s dentist Great Portland Street, London would back up and that in itself highlights just how this information simply … Read more

How braces no longer have to be blatantly obvious

They were once one of those things that everyone dreaded – in some ways, they even had a stigma attached. However, braces no longer have to be a source of hatred, advances in dentistry means that the situation has changed dramatically over the last ten years and in a lot of cases, they just blend into a person’s mouth. Of course, the traditional braces do still exist and there are some advantages for opting for them. If you do fall into the position of requiring them, let’s take a look at some of your options. Suffice to say, there are exceptionally more than they were over a decade or so ago! The traditional option Let’s start traditionally; the type of braces that most of us grew up recognizing. Comprised of stainless steel brackets, there were all sorts of phrases used … Read more

Dental implants: The trends fueling the industry

When you hear about “advancements”, it usually refers to the technology industry. Well, for the purposes of today, we’re going to look at some of the advancements and trends which are affecting everyone and specifically, dental implants. Once upon a time this was almost a taboo subject – the technology was there, but so was the complexity. Ultimately, it meant that there were few cases carried out and those that did occur, weren’t necessarily tailored exactly to the patient’s requirements. Suffice to say, it’s all changing. Whether you visit your local Bath dentist, or one which is further afield, the majority of dentists across the world now have access to state of the art implant technology. We’ll now take a look at some of the trends in dental implants in dentistry, and should make it become an even more popular … Read more

Comparing the differences in dental fillings

It’s something that we all wish to avoid but for most of us, dental fillings will become a way of life. For most people, it’s about keeping them to a minimum – even though they have become much easier to withstand than they may have been several years ago. Of course, as anyone who has studied the dentist industry will testify, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution here. It’s complicated to say the least and while one Cheltenham dentist may offer one procedure, a different patient may be provided with an alternative one depending on the circumstances. To highlight how many differences there are in relation to this, we have comprised the following breakdown of each of the main fillings. Silver fillings If you’ve been offered a silver filling, it may have been referred to as an amalgam. We should start with … Read more