Ear Nose and Throat Doctors

Today I went to see a new ear, nose, and throat doctor and learned of some surprising things. The reason being is I have become upset with my current ear, nose, and throat doctor. I have noticed blood occasionally coming out of my right nostril, and my doctor thinks it’s because it is just dry. Well I never had any problems prior to seeing him with blood coming out of my nose. So that’s why I wanted to see a new one. Background  My current ear, nose, and throat doctor operated on me back in August of 2006 to drain my right maxillary sinus. This was because the only finding on my MRI was an infection in my right maxillary sinus. So after the antibiotics didn’t work he drained my sinus. This was hopefully going to get rid of my … Read more

Doctors Don’t Have All the Answers

In order to be a doctor, one must go through rigorous academics for a long time. Doctors attend four years of college, four years of medical school; complete a one year internship, and a two year residency.   Being a doctor carries a high level of prestige in society. People look up to doctors and respect them greatly and they should. However, that does not mean that doctors are not people too. They are motivated by their own desires and needs. Most honestly do care about healing all of their patients, but there are certainly some who have selfish desires. There is also a lot of controversy in different areas of medicine, where different doctors have different beliefs. So who is right, and who is wrong? We simply just don’t always know. Just because one doctor, or one dentist, or … Read more

Being Prepared For Doctor Visits

When we have something wrong with us, such as a lasting headache, back pain, the flu, etc., we want to see a doctor so they can fix it. What we don’t always think about is that there is a lot more to doctor appointments than just calling and scheduling. It is essential to arrive at your doctor’s office knowing exactly what you are going to discuss and being prepared to write down your discussion. Too often have I gone to see a doctor, and upon arriving back home I either forgot to totally mention something I wanted to discuss or forgot what my doctor told me. I am sure this happens to other people as well. What I suggest doing, and has worked well recently, is before visiting your doctor to think of everything you want to discuss. Then take … Read more