Does the U.S. Need Universal Healthcare? Thoughts on Universal Healthcare from Democratic Presidential Candidates and Twitter

Many Americans are not satisfied with the current health care system. Before on this site it has been argued how the U.S. is in need of a single-payer health care system, see the post The Cost of Health Care in the U.S. compared to Other Countries. Many democratic presidential candidates in 2020 have come out in favor of universal healthcare. Also looking through tweets on Twitter one can see that many in the U.S. are also in favor of universal healthcare. However, a single-payer health care system does not go far enough and should also include dental care. As has been discussed in the post ADA Breaking Down Barriers to Oral Health for All Americans: Repairing the Tattered Safety Net Americans are increasingly finding it difficult to pay for dental care. Dental care is also intimately tied to health care. … Read more

Need A Dentistry Service? What To Look For In The Best Cosmetic Dentist in Las Vegas

These days, aesthetic dentistry has many advantages it can offer to help improve your smile and confidence. The reasons why you should look into cosmetic dentistry has been discussed before on this site, which includes: speed, less pain, confidence, comfort and convenience. However, once you have identified that cosmetic dentistry is right for you, it is important to consider what to look for in a cosmetic dentist. For example you may be interested in the best cosmetic dentist in Las Vegas or in another area. Below are what to look for in a top cosmetic dentist: Services First, you should look into the kind of services a cosmetic dentist can offer you. Nowadays, cosmetic dentists offer services that include crowns, dental veneers, orthodontic treatments such as invisalign, teeth whitening, implants, and filing replacement. Not all teeth-whitening products are alike. For example, there exist whitening toothpastes, … Read more

Five Benefits of a regular dental visit

There’s nothing better in this world than a healthy body, yet many people overlook medical checkups which are important. There are many medical checkups which an individual must undergo every year, and a dental checkup is one of them. Teeth are a prominent part of the face and have a direct impact on the personality of an individual. There are many benefits of a regular dental checkup, however in this article you will be guided through some of them. In most countries, doctors recommend patients visit a dentist at least once every 6 months. Some benefits of a regular dental visit are: 1.      Early detection of problems Most people are unaware of their dental problems for a long time. A regular visit to the dentist can help a person getting to know about any chronic issues present. The doctor will … Read more

Quality Data Registry in Dentistry

Recently on this site there was a discussion of using an outcomes data registry for dentistry to help assess surgical outcomes, complications, and possible gaps in treatment.  The goal with such a data registry is to better monitor what is going on in clinical practice to help improve the quality of care that patients receive. Such efforts have been limited in dentistry although present in other aspects of healthcare for many years. According to the “Quality Measurement in Dentistry A Guidebook” produced by the Dental Quality Alliance in June 2019, retrospective claims data are the only data currently collected in dentistry. In an article titled “Swedish Quality Registry for Caries and Periodontal Diseases – a framework for quality development in dentistry,” by Bultzingslowen et al. appearing in the International Dental Journal in 2019, the authors discuss an automatic data retrieval … Read more

5 Tips to Maximize Your Dental Insurance Coverage

While it is a somewhat common fear for people, going to the dentist is one of the most important things you can do for your health and well-being. Not getting your teeth cleaned and checked up on frequently can lead to plenty of unsightly, harmful and painful symptoms or issues. Unfortunately, many Americans see a dentist much less frequently than they would like. A big reason for this is cost. Paying for dental visits out of pocket can be expensive. As a result, most people will have some type of dental insurance coverage to save them money on these important visits.  However, simply having coverage isn’t always good enough. In order to truly get the most out of your plan, you need to be sure to maximize your coverage. If you are curious about how you can go about doing … Read more