Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome
In Tolosa-Hunt syndrome, inflammation of the cavernous sinus (behind the eyes) causes severe eye pain and irritation or damage of the nerves of the face. Males and females are affected equally by Tolosa-Hunt syndrome, which usually affects people more than 20 years old. Symptoms Tolosa-Hunt syndrome begins with severe pain behind or around one eye that comes on suddenly. The pain can be constant and intense. As the sinus inflammation increases and spreads, nerves in the face can be affected, producing symptoms such as drooping eyelid of the affected eye or numbness and tingling in the forehead. Difficulty controlling eye movements and the pupil may cause sensitivity to light and double or blurred vision. If left untreated, vision loss is possible. Diagnosis The International Headache Society criteria for Tolosa-Hunt syndrome are: One-sided eye pain for an average of 8 weeks … Read more