Exploring the Prevalence of Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Adults with Migraine

Researchers at the University of Toronto have shown that generalized anxiety disorder is more common among adults who have migraines than those without migraine (6% vs. 2%). The link between migraine and generalized anxiety disorders was partially explained by the high prevalence of debilitating chronic pain (30%) and problems in managing household responsibilities (28%) among those with migraine. The researchers were not surprised chronic pain played a role in the association between migraines and generalized anxiety disorders. The unpredictable and uncontrollable nature of migraine pain can be anxiety producing as it can interfere with family and work responsibilities without warning. The study found men with migraine had almost double the odds of generalized anxiety disorder compared with women with migraine. The researchers found this result to be surprising because in the general population, women are more likely than men to develop … Read more

A Healthy Headache Diet

Researchers at the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine have explored two different approaches to preventing headaches with diet. The first approach is to eliminate foods and beverages known to trigger headaches. The second approach is to follow a diet whose very composition may prevent headaches. The conclusions were reached after performing an exhaustive literature review of more than 180 research studies on the subject of migraine and diet. The first thing to eliminate in your day to prevent headache is the morning cup of joe or coffee in the morning. This is because too much caffeine can lead to a caffeine withdrawal headache. The researchers say that no more than 400 milligrams daily of coffee should be used and one cup of 125 milligrams of coffee is the maximum amount a headache suffered should have. Large amounts of … Read more

Vitamin D deficiency and increased chronic headaches

Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland have shown that a vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of chronic headache. The Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study, analysed the serum vitamin D levels and occurrence of headache in approximately 2,600 men between 42 and 60 years old in 1984-1989. In 68% of these men, the serum vitamin D level was below 50 nmol/l, which is generally considered to be a vitamin D deficiency. In the study chronic headache occurring at least once a week occurred in 250 men, and men reporting chronic headache had lower serum vitamin D levels than others. The study population was divided into four groups based on their serum vitamin D levels. The group with the lowest vitamin D levels had over a twofold increased risk of chronic headache in comparison to the group … Read more

Target specific brain cells to help with neuropathic pain

Researchers from Rutgers University have explored treating chronic neuropathic pain which affects over 1 million Americans. Neuropathic pain results when nerve damage is caused due to injury, surgery or a some disease. Researchers showed that pain could be reduced in animals when microglia brain cells are targeted which are supposed to provide immunity. The researchers say that the microglia brain cells are supposed to be beneficial to the nervous system but in those with neuropathic pain these cells known as microglia have proliferated and instead become toxic. The researchers say that if they catch the injury within one to five days to inhibit microglia after nerve injury the development of chronic pain can be partially reversed. Neuropathic pain persists after the nerve has healed and is often resistant to normal pain medications. In lab mice the researchers used chemotherapy drugs to prohibit the microglia brain immune … Read more

Migraine treament with monoclonal antibodies

Migraine headaches affect around 6 to 8% of males and 10 to 12% of females. It is one of the top five neurological conditions and costs people healthy lives. There is little research on how the current preventative treatments for migraine work. Researchers have speculated that the suppression of cortical spreading depression could be a process at play. Typically migraine patients are given beta-blockers such as propranolol and metroprolol, anticonvulsants valproate and topiramate, and the calcium channel bocker flunarizine as first line medications. These drugs have been shown in randomized placebo controlled studies to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. A new treatment option could be placed in monoclonal antibodies that target a neuropeptide called CGRP (Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide). CGRP plays is thought to play a key role in headaches. CGRP receptor antagonists have been developed for the treatment of acute … Read more