Root Canal Triggers Headache

I found an interesting article the other day written by a Chiropractor and describing how myofascial trigger points can mimic signs and symptoms of a neurological disease. The case describes the patient as the following. “A 44-year-old female, an office manager for a dentist for eight years, was referred by an EENT specialist with a chief complaint of headaches (HA), with a six- to eight-year history of HA and facial pain. Although all of her symptoms were usually on the right side of the face and head, the HA occasionally became bilateral when very intense. The facial pain was always located on the right. Once started, her symptoms lasted anywhere from four to ten hours. The only thing she remembers that may have triggered the onset was dental work done within six months of the start of the symptoms-several fillings … Read more

Get smarter about wisdom teeth

Dr. David Leader of the Malden Dentist wrote a great article about the current views, issues, and opinion surrounding the removal of wisdom teeth. The article in it’s entirety is located at the following URL I have some excerpts below from the article. “Many do not realize that there is a controversy in the dental community regarding the advisability of prophylactic wisdom tooth (third molar) extraction… This difference of opinion leaves the patient and perhaps their parents with a difficult decision. It is important to listen carefully to their dental advisors, their general dentist and their oral surgeon. Read the informed consent materials and ask questions. Patients must then decide if the recommendations of third molar extractions make sense to them. Then, patients will have to live with the good and bad results of their choices.” The article discusses the … Read more

Biomedical Engineers Improve Dental Imaging and Care

Biomedical engineers used advanced cone beam imaging technology take a series of two dimensional x-rays, which enabled them to create a detailed three dimensional picture of the patient’s mouth. Better images allow dentists to increase their understanding of the patient’s mouth and predict the outcome of procedures with improved accuracy. In eight-and-a-half seconds, a machine can take 435 X-rays of Samantha Kotey’s jaw and teeth, creating full 3-D imaging with more detail and accuracy and less radiation than a traditional dental X-ray. Physicist, Jeff Sitterle, Ph.D., says it’s just one way researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta are changing the science of dentistry. “We’re focusing on very new technologies and these technologies are actually things that have been utilized in other types of manufacturing and other industries, but they fit very nicely into dentistry,” Dr. Sitterle, chief … Read more

The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

I just wanted to share some thoughts on the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. They state on their website that their mission statement is ” to provide a means of self-government relating to professional standards, ethical behavior and responsibilities of its fellows and members; to contribute to the public welfare; to advance the specialty; and to support its fellows and members through education, advocacy and research.” I feel that by promoting the idea of removing healthy impacted wisdom teeth they are not living up to their mission statement. This is because of the harm it causes thousands of Americans each year when they suffer permanent nerve damage from an elective procedure, or the possibility of even death or more serious complications like a chronic 24/7 headache. Thus I feel that The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons … Read more

Wisdom Teeth News

A recent article suggests that ongoing study “links even pain-free wisdom teeth to early gum disease that worsens over time, sometimes causing havoc far beyond the mouth. Indeed, pregnant women with gum disease around their wisdom teeth appear to be much more likely to give birth prematurely than unaffected pregnant women. The latest data suggest that as many as 80 percent of people will develop problems with their wisdom teeth.” I don’t know who came up with this but I don’t think it’s accurate. Most experts no longer believe that crowding is a concern, but the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons typically wrongfully recommends pre-emptive pulling in young adulthood, before symptoms arise, when roots haven’t yet fully formed and surgical risks are lowest. “If you have to have them out when you’re 45, you will not enjoy that,” … Read more