Multidisciplinary Conference on Third Molars (Wisdom Teeth)

I wanted to let everyone know that on October 19, 2010, at the Willard Intercontinental Hotel in Washington, D.C. there will be a so called “Multidisciplinary Conference on Third Molars.” This meeting will consist on an invitation-only audience. This event is being organized by the American Association of  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS). Those who will be in attendance include dental, medical, governmental, and third party organizations. I wonder if I will be receiving an invitation however I doubt it due to the nature of the meeting and its intent to promote the removal of healthy impacted wisdom teeth due to so called “accurate and true evidence based research.” Since I now reside near the D.C area I may try to attend the conference to see what is being discussed and to make sure that accurate results are being presented … Read more

Wisdom Teeth Removal Can Lead to Brain Damage

I have previously discussed how Austin Stone was left in a coma after having his wisdom teeth removed. Recently, I have seen that Megan Rae Comstock several years ago suffered from permanent brain damage as a result of an overdose of sedation while having her wisdom teeth removed. Specifically it appears that her brain was deprived of essential oxygen during the oral surgery which lead to the brain injury and damage. This is believed to have occurred due to the oral surgeon giving Megan more than the recommended amount of sedation during the procedure. It is quoted that Megan “went from being an accomplished pianist and equestrienne to one who is now challenged in these and in many other areas.” It is very unfortunate that complications from wisdom teeth removal can lead to brain damage which is a very serious … Read more

Wisdom Teeth Extraction Survey

This post just serves as another reminder for those who have not completed the Wisdom Teeth Removal Survey that it is still ongoing. If you are a longtime visitor and have not yet taken the survey or are new to I encourage you to click on the link below to take the survey. Below are a few recent responses from the survey. Also the survey is anonymous so it is not associated with your personal identity in any way. Thanks for your help! Here is one survey response after completing the initial questions in the elaborate section. The numbness is around my lower lip all the way down to my chin and teeth on the bottom left side and I am freaked out i was told there would be a 1 in 100 chance of a tingling sensation … Read more

Deadly Infection and Wisdom Teeth Removal

I found a short snippet from the Wharton School of Business. The article addresses Wharton’s 2010 Business Plan Competition. One of the teams in the article is called R2R Therapeutics. The motivation for the team was 2nd year Wharton MBA student Bee Rhee who almost lost his wife due to a bacterial infection that occurred after the removal of his wife’s wisdom teeth. His wife was given antibiotics and they were able to stop the infection and she is currently alive today. However this business plan from this team does highlight a growing concern in healthcare which has to do with bacterial which is becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics. R2R Therapeutics’ goal is to combat these drug resistant bacteria by focusing on a novel cationic steroid antibiotic called R2R-1 which will work to disrupt the cell membrane and … Read more

Western Dental injuries and pain

I found some interesting pieces from ABC 7 KGO-TV San Francisco, CA. The articles and videos are about the second largest HMO in the state of California called Western Dental. Numerous people are profiled talking about things such as nerve damage following wisdom teeth removal, people’s healthy teeth being pulled out and being replaced with dentures,  a syringe injecting bleech into a girl’s sinus during a root canal, and putting too much filler into the root of a woman’s teeth during a root canal and causing severe pain. Of course Western Dental defends by not admitting wrongdoing but then lawsuits result and a settlement is reached in some cases. In other cases Western Dental has not paid for subsequent follow up treatment. To see the videos and read more of the articles visit these 2 links.