So today I logged in to Google analytics to check some of the ways that people are find my site and was surprised to be greeted by a pop up asking me to accept some new terms.
So what exactly was I accepting? I decided to did a little deeper. On the Google Analytics blog it states
“You can … elect to share your data with other Google services. This setting will allow us to provide you with additional advanced new features. For example, many of you have asked us to integrate Conversion Optimizer (which is currently only available to AdWords Conversion Tracking users) into Google Analytics. By opting to share your data with Google, you’ll be able to take advantage of these related new features as they become available.”
In addition there is also a new benchmarking service. In order to use these new services you are going to have to opt in and accept the terms. I see this being pretty useful for some companies. Benchmarking allows customers to see how their site data compares to sites in any available industry vertical. This will allow you to look at your competitors and try to change your marketing techniques and understand what you might be doing or wrong. This should be pretty good for anyone who is running any of those “Make Money Online” sites which is a pretty competitive niche.