A recent study from researchers from Scotland’s Glasgow Caledonian University has come out with implications for headache sufferers. The research suggests migraine sufferers even when they do not have a headache may process visual cues better in an environment with few visual distractions.
The study demonstrated migraine sufferers with auras were the actually the most affected by the addition of visual noise.
This research has practical implications for those who suffer from headache and migraine. It may thus be best to avoid environments with a lot of visual distractions. This can included several TV and computer screens along with loud noises.
D. Wagner, V. Manahilov, G. Loffler, G. E. Gordon, G. N. Dutton. Visual Noise Selectively Degrades Vision in Migraine. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 2009; 51 (4): 2294.