After Removing Teeth Platelet-Rich Plasma May Aid In Faster Healing Times

A new study in the Journal of Oral Implantology shows platelet-rich plasma aid in speeding up healing and bone formation after removing a tooth. If a tooth is extracted and the extraction site has poor recovery then excessive jaw bone loss  may delay the use of dental prosthetics or implants. The study looked at patients who had their wisdom teeth removed.  One extraction site was treated with platelet-rich plasma where as the site on the other side of the mouth was served as control. The patients were examined for bleeding,  jaw bone density, healing ,pain, inflammation, and facial swelling for 24 weeks after the wisdom teeth removal occurred. The researchers concluded the platelet-rich plasma treatment had a positive effect on bone density immediately following tooth extraction where as the control sites showed a decrease in bone density during the first … Read more

Infections in the Mouth of Mother can Lead to Premature Birth

Researchers from Case Western Reserve University and their collaborators have determined bacteria in the mouths of pregnant women can contribute to pre-term birth (premature). Around 12.7% of births in the U.S. are pre-term deliveries, which has increased by 36% increase over the last 25 years. Intrauterine infection is recognized as a main cause of pre-term birth as well as late miscarriage and still birth. The cause of intrauterine infections has long been attributed to bacteria ascending into the uterus from the lower genital tract. However the researchers have found that such infections are caused by bacteria in the mouth and in the vaginal tract. Specifically, in the study saliva and plaque samples were injected into the tails of pregnant mice to determine what bacteria are capable of oral-uterus transmission. A diverse group of bacterial species were found to be in … Read more

Genes Linked to Cavities

Two recent papers y researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine and their collaborators suggest that specific genetic variations may be linked to higher rates of tooth decay (cavities) and aggressive periodontitis, which is inflammation and infection of the ligaments and bones that support the teeth. Dental cavities have been found to be influenced by individual variations in a gene called beta defensin 1(DEFB1), which plays a key role in the first-line immune response against invading germs. For one of the studies, the researchers analyzed nearly 300 anonymous dental records and accompanying saliva samples from the their dental registry, assigning each case a DMFT score based on the presence of decayed teeth, missing teeth due to caries, and tooth fillings. In addition each case also received a DMFS score, based on decayed teeth, missing teeth, and filled … Read more

David After Dentist

I found a website that is doing very well for pretty much just having a YouTube video and some background information. The site features a video of a 7 year old who had a condition called hyperdontia and had to have a tooth removed. The video shows the aftermath of the kid in the backseat of his father’s car while his father takes a video with a flip video camera. His quite out of it from the anesthesia. Apparently the video is generating the family six figures a year in income, which is very successful. This shows that one successful video can really take off and lead to fame as most of us know by now.

National Institutes of Health Wisdom Teeth Study

A new article in the Washington Post is titled “Study may shed light on when it’s appropriate to remove wisdom teeth.” The article does a good job presenting the evidence (and lack of) for and against removing healthy impacted wisdom teeth. Even so there is apparent bias towards removing wisdom teeth in the article. This is because the article talks about the author’s daughter who had to make a decision regarding removing 2 wisdom teeth. Her daughter ending up deciding to have those 2 wisdom teeth taken out. However, the author (mother) makes it clear that there is no scientific studies to really argue in one direction. Because of this, it is argued, as the American Association of Public Health states “…the removal of wisdom teeth….should be based on evidence of diagnosed pathology or demonstrable need.” This is due to … Read more