The Role of Dentists in Diabetes Screening

A study, led by Dr. Shiela Strauss, Associate Professor of Nursing and Co-Director of the Statistics and Data Management Core for New York University’s Colleges of Dentistry and Nursing, examined data from nearly 3,000 adults in the 2003-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey who had not been diagnosed with diabetes. The results appear in the Journal of Public Health Dentistry in the article titled “The dental office visit as a potential opportunity for diabetes screening: an analysis using NHANES 2003-2004 data.” The results indicate that the majority of people who have periodontal (gum) disease are also at high risk for diabetes. In addition, half of those at risk had seen a dentist in the previous year. This one can draw the conclusion that dentists should consider offering diabetes screenings in their offices. Dr. Strauss and colleagues determined that 93% … Read more

Third Molar Patient Information DVD

The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS)  is really trying to increase their marketing campaign to attract young adults for choosing wisdom teeth removal. They have recently made available a Third Molar Patient Information DVD available at The DVD is sold in lots of 25. The price varies depending on whether or not you are a member, part of an institution, or a non-member. The non-member cost is $135 for 25 DVDs. A brief one minute trailer is available. The DVD features 3D illustrations along with a comprehensive discussion of third molar (wisdom teeth) surgery. I haven’t seen this DVD so I don’t know the quality of it. However it is clearly being promoted as a marketing tool to attract patients to want to proceed with wisdom teeth removal. Of course I disagree with AAOMS and their … Read more

Wisdom Teeth Removal Survey

I recently made this survey on your wisdom teeth removal experience. Please take a moment to complete it. This will help others who may elect to have wisdom teeth removed in the future. Thanks for your help!

White Paper on Ethics & Professionalism in Dental Education

The American Student Dental Association (ASDA) has recently published a White Paper on Ethics & Professionalism in Dental Education which can be found at The paper is designed to help address issues of cheating which have occurred at dental schools. The ASDA Student Code of Ethics states that, “ASDA recognizes the importance of high ethical standards in the dental school setting. Therefore, the Association believes students should conduct themselves in a manner reflecting integrity and fairness in both the didactic and clinical learning environments. Ethical and professional behavior by dental students is characterized by honesty, fairness, and integrity in all circumstances; respect for the rights, differences, and property of others; concern for the welfare of patients, competence in the delivery of care, and preservation of confidentiality in all situations where this is warranted.” The paper addresses some of the … Read more

ADA EBD Champions Conference 2010

The American Dental Association (ADA) is looking for dentists interested in spreading the word about evidence-based dentistry to attend the EBD Champions Conference March 26-27, 2010, at ADA Headquarters in Chicago, IL. The deadline for applications is faster approaching and is Jan. 30, 2010. The conference is sponsored by the ADA and the Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice and supported by an educational grant from Procter & Gamble. The event is a unique opportunity for dentists to become resources to their local dental communities by promoting an evidence-based approach to patient treatment and disease prevention. I am glad to see that dentists are gathering to discuss evidence-based dentistry and feel that if you are able to make the conference, it would be well worth it. For more information about the conference or to apply to become an EBD Champion, visit … Read more