Oral Surgeon Sexual Assault Acquittal

Last month I reported on sexual assault and how it has crept up into some oral surgeons offices during wisdom teeth removal. Well, recently there was another sexual assault case against an oral surgeon in the courts. Dr. Robert J. Boyda was accused of sexual assault by 17 women who testified as such in trial. However, the judge determined that he believed the women “thought” they were sexually assaulted due to the drugs that they were on. One of the drugs was stated to have “sexual hallucinations” in rare cases. The drug in question is propofol. I question whether or not you can really test if a sexual hallucination is a side effect in rare cases. You would certainly need an honest surgeon. This of course raises the issue of whether or not you should have anesthesia when you undergo … Read more

Treating Gum Disease Helps Rheumatoid Arthritis

Researchers from the Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine and University Hospitals of Cleveland recently reported that people who cure their gum disease can decreased their arthritic pain if they surrfer from rheumatoid arthritis. “It was exciting to find that if we eliminated the infection and inflammation in the gums, then patients with a severe kind of active rheumatoid arthritis reported improvement on the signs and symptoms of that disease,” said Nabil Bissada, D.D.S. According to Ali Askari, M.D., chair of the department of rheumatology at University Hospitals, “From way back, rheumatologists and other clinicians have been perplexed by the myth that gum disease may have a big role in causing systematic disease.” Askari and Bissada are part of a team of researchers that studied 40 patients with  periodontal disease and a severe form of rheumatoid arthritis. The … Read more

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Video

The following is a video provided by PBHS Inc,. which is the same company featured in the previous post. While they may engage in practices that promote oral surgeons to all use nearly the exact same content about dentistry, oral surgery, wisdom teeth, and other procedures on their websites, they also do provide decent content. This video talks about the process of getting your wisdom teeth out. Of course they fail to mention that your oral surgeon or one you are considering does not have to mention legally all of the possible complications that could arise from the surgery. Only the more prevalent complications and life-threatening ones are essential and must be mentioned before any procedure such as wisdom teeth removal.

Oral Surgeon Websites: Similar Content

I wanted to alert everyone to a new article I just wrote and updated on my website http://www.teethremoval.com/oral_surgery_websites_similar_content_similar_sites.html. It talks about how oral surgeons are using PBHS Inc. to design them websites. However, PBHS Inc. uses a template for the websites so the content for all of the websites designed is very similar. This means the information on procedures and even after care procedures for a large number of oral surgeon and oral surgeon group’s websites are nearly exactly the same if not identical. This is quite alarming to me and you should be aware of this if you are considering wisdom teeth removal surgery. The likely explanation is that oral surgeons are not skilled in website design and are not taking the time to modify the content provided by PBHS Inc. Even so, PBHS Inc. has a very large … Read more

Drinks In Plastic Bottles Contain Side Effects

Bottled water and other drinks in plastic  bottles may not be as safe as you think. According to Martin Wagner and Jörg Oehlmann from the Department of Aquatic Ecotoxicology at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, plastic water bottles contaminate drinking water with estrogenic chemicals. The researchers found evidence of estrogenic compounds which leach and come out of the plastic packaging into the water. These chemicals result in an increased development of embryos in the New Zealand mud snail.  The researchers analyzed 20 brands of mineral water available in Germany which included 9 bottled in glass, 9 bottled in plastic and 2 bottled in composite packaging. The researchers took water samples from the bottles and tested them for the presence of estrogenic chemicals. They then carried out a reproduction test with the New Zealand mud snail to determine the source … Read more