Wisdom Teeth Adventures

Wisdom teeth adventures is a new group on the popular photo sharing site Flickr. You can find interesting photos and discussion from people and their wisdom teeth experiences. The link is http://www.flickr.com/groups/1010852@N25/. One of the photos is the one you can see here in this post. Others appear on my website under “My Pictures.” It really is amazing the kind of pictures and photos people are able to capture from their wisdom teeth removal experiences. Flickr image by Lone Primate. With Permission to use. Image under license.

Body Clock Regulates Energy

It has been found from UC Irvine researchers that our own body clock helps regulate energy levels in cells. The findings have far-reaching implications that can be helpful in treating many diseases and conditions. Paolo Sassone-Corsi, Distinguished Professor and Chair of Pharmacology and his research team has found that the proteins involved with circadian rhythms and metabolism are intrinsically linked and dependent upon each other. “Our circadian rhythms and metabolism are closely partnered to ensure that cells function properly and remain healthy,” Sassone-Corsi said. “This discovery opens a new window for us to understand how these two fundamental processes work together, and it can have a great impact on new treatments for diseases caused by cell energy deficiencies.” Circadian rhythms  govern fundamental physiological functions. The circadian clocks are the essential time-tracking systems in our bodies that anticipate environmental changes and … Read more

Healthy Teeth and Gums with Green Tea

Origins of green tea consumption believe that it could cure disease and heal wounds. With recent scientific studies showing that there are health benefits of drinking green tea, especially in weight loss, heart health, and cancer prevention. A study recently published in the Journal of Periodontology, states that routine intake of green tea may also help promote healthy teeth and gums. The study  found that those who regularly drank green tea had superior periodontal health than subjects that consumed less green tea. Male participants aged 49 through 59 were examined on three indicators of periodontal disease: periodontal pocket depth (PD), clinical attachment loss (CAL) of gum tissue, and bleeding on probing (BOP) of the gum tissue. Researchers observed that for every one cup of green tea consumed per day, there was a decrease in all three indicators. Green tea’s ability … Read more

Real Time Swine Flu Map

With all the hype of the swine flu lately it is important to stay in the know… Google is currently tracking the swine flu on a up to date Google Map which shows suspected and confirmed cases across the world. It is worth a look if you are concerned… http://ow.ly/47bL Apparently though, some government officials are not taking the swine flu very seriously as a recent FML post indicates Today, I was pulled over by a police officer for speeding. After writing the ticket, he asked me why I was wearing a surgical mask. I told him that swine flu was found in our area and I was scared. He thought that I was insulting him and wrote me another ticket. *UPDATE visit http://swinemap.org/ for up to date swine flu information.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Leads to Coma

I was saddened to hear recently that a high school junior in Tonganoxie, Kansas, who recently went in to have his wisdom teeth removed, was seriously injured and left in a coma.  The oral surgeon who performed the surgery had just opened a new dental center. The cause for the injury is due to a faulty medical gas system which delivered oxygen and nitrous oxide. My prayers and thoughts go out to the family of Austin Stone, his friends, and the community. Already, the community has organized ‘Team Tongie’ to help raise money for incidental expenses of those who suffer from medical emergencies and crisis. To learn more visit the following links. http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2009/apr/22/medical-gas-accident-may-lead-policy-change/ http://www.drbicuspid.com/index.aspx?sec=sup&sub=pmt&pag=dis&ItemID=301758&wf=34 http://www.kctv5.com/news/19223205/detail.html