Wellsphere Health Blogger Scam

Back in September 2008, I received an email which is at the bottom of this post. It was the most convincing email I have ever received that actually was a scam. It wanted me to join Wellsphere and become a blogger using the content I have already published on this blog. As it turned out several months ago, I somehow missed this, anyone who signed up for Wellsphere turned over full rights to their published work. I encourage you to read the following posts for more detailed information. I am really quite upset that an MD would defraud thousands of health bloggers. I never was tricked into signing up with Wellsphere, but I did think about it as the email was very hard to turn down. http://www.getbetterhealth.com/how-the-health-blogosphere-was-scammed/2009.01.28 http://www.chronicbabe.com/articles/797/ ——- Sept 25, 2008 Hi , I was searching online for the … Read more

The American Dental Society

I just wanted to let everyone know about an event that is upcoming.  “The Evidence Based Approach to Anxiety and Pain Control: Why We Do What We Do,” is the theme for this years American Dental Society of Anesthesiology’s annual meeting. It will be happening April 23-25 at the Marriott Hotel in Chicago. The keynote speaker this year is  Dr. Mark Drangsholt who is an epidemiologist and assistant professor of oral medicine at the  University of Washington.His talk will be about Finding, Evaluating and Applying Clinical Information in a Google-Dominated World. To find out more and obtain registration you will want to visit http://www.adsahome.org/annual.html Even so the official website seems to be a bit spare on containing information about the event. Therefore you should visit the ADA over at http://www.ada.org/prof/resources/pubs/adanews/adanewsarticle.asp?articleid=3507

Wisdom Teeth in the News

Here are a few brief highlights of articles and links to them about wisdom teeth. “Dentists give new Meaning to Military Drills.” This article discusses dental work needed for U.S. soldiers. Soldiers have certain requirements they must meet regarding oral health. “Tooth Truth: Dental Surgery is Not all That Bad.” The author discusses his experience with wisdom teeth removal. He also portrays the near death experiences he has heard from others. (Well you could scroll down this blog to find death experiences… ) “Two Sides Quarrel on Wisdom Teeth.” Discusses the different sides of the wisdom teeth debate. Dr. Jay W. Friedman who leads the charge on stopping useless and uncessary removal of wisdom teeth discusses some of his viewpoints.

Portable Applications

I recently have grown interested in looking into portable applications. This is because it seems as if eventually the operating system on my computer becomes corrupted or infected with malware. Thus I usually end up formating each computer I own every year or so. This helps improve the speed, but requires some time to reinstall all my old programs and download software updates. In addition, having a portable application allows you to use it on any computer. All you need is a USB drive and the portable applications on it. Portable applications require no installation, so simply all one has to do is click the .exe file of the app and it will load. I currently do not have a USB drive with enough space to hold all of the portable applications I would like. Even so, purchasing one will … Read more

12 Million Given After Wisdom Teeth Removal Caused Death

In New Jersey, a jury has reached a verdict to award over 12 million to the family of 21 year old Francis Keller who had died the morning after his wisdom teeth extractions. The verdict is believed to be one of the largest ever awarded for dental malpractice. The 21 year old man died from suffocation in August of 2005. The morning after the extractions he had trouble breathing due to swelling in his throat. However, it was known that Keller had a genetic immune disorder which caused severe swelling in reaction to trauma. The oral surgeon who extracted the teeth was aware of the immunity disorder and performed the wisdom teeth removal anways. The verdict was obtained by David A. Mazie of the law firm of Mazie Slater Katz & Freeman, LLP. To learn more about the attorney and … Read more