More Cancer Survivors in the Future

A national health care crisis is looming in the U.S. as the country’s baby boomer population ages and a growing number of older adults find themselves diagnosed with and living longer with cancer. That is the position of a team of researchers from across the country who believe current prevention measures, screening, treatments, and supportive care for older patients at risk of or dealing with cancer are lacking in the US. In a special supplement issue of the international journal Cancer recently released, the researchers say there is an urgent need for clear, evidence-based practice guidelines to assist physicians, oncologists and others who provide short- and long-term care management to older adults with cancer. Only with more immediate research will proper prevention efforts, screening, treatment approaches, post-treatment survivorship and end of life care be put in place to serve this … Read more

Wisdom Teeth Removal Leaves to Death Two Days After

Through an email I was saddened to hear about the recent loss and death of a young 21 year old. Her name was Victoria “Tori” Rubino. The article states “Rubino had had her wisdom teeth removed by dentists in her hometown two days before.” The results and reasons surrounding her death are still not clear. Hopefully a reason can be found soon. My website lists other reasons as to why people have died from wisdom teeth removal, although typically it happens more suddenly than several days after the extraction. To learn more visit

Gene Therapy for Gum Disease

Scientists at the University of Michigan have shown that gene therapy can be used to successfully stop the development of periodontal disease. The U-M group is the first known to use the gene delivery approach to show potential in treating chronic conditions such as periodontal disease, said William Giannobile, professor at the U-M School of Dentistry. “Gene therapy has not been used in non-life threatening disease. (Periodontal disease) is more disabling than life threatening,” said Giannobile, who also directs the Michigan Center for Oral Health Research and has an appointment in the U-M College of Engineering. “This is so important because the next wave of improving medical therapeutics goes beyond saving life, and moves forward to improving the quality of life.” The preclinical study offers was a collaboration with the Seattle-based biotechnology company Targeted Genetics. In July, Targeted Genetics released … Read more

Evidence Based Medicine

I found a good website discussing some of the benefits of evidence based medicine. It explains what it is, what a systematic review is, and what this means to you. The information is from The Informed Health Online/ Team: IQWiG. My favorite paragraph is talking about what to do when there is no clear answer for your medical treatment. It is important to remember, too, that just because there is no clear answer now, it does not mean that there is nothing a patient can do and that someone should take over for them. If there is no conclusive evidence about a treatment, patients need the best description possible of the potential advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives they face so that they can choose what they want to do. A variety of medical and personal issues can influence this … Read more

Dental Spending Expected to Slow

The Office of the Actuary in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reports that the growth in dental spending is expected to slow. The projected 2 percent increase from $99.9 billion in 2008 to $101.9 billion in 2009 may prove to be the lowest annual increase in dental spending since 1960. This is tied to the peformance in the economy. Today the DOW fell below 7,000 for the first time since 1997. People have to cut back somewhere, so they may be doing so by forgoing visits to the dentist. Even so, this is not a safe bet. You should have a checkup and cleaning atleast once a year. Dental spending is expected to return to more normal levels in 2010. It is projected that there will be an increase of 4.3 percent in 2010 and a 6 percent … Read more