High School Senior Drug Use

Parents have long worried whether their kids at college are drinking too much or just abusing drugs. Lately there have been a large number of young people abusing prescription opiates. It is rather common knowledge now that several years ago, attention-deficit drugs such as Ritalin and Adderall became popular among students. This was so that they could improve concentration or lose weight. Now more dangerous drugs and powerful painkillers are being used largely by such students such as OxyContin, Vicodin and Percocet. Earlier this month, several drug experts testified at a congressional hearing named Generation Rx In 2006, 2.2 million people ages 12 and older said they started abusing pain relievers within the past year. It has also been seen that young adults ages 18-25 show the greatest overall use of any age group. Even so, these drugs are still … Read more

Doctor Shortage

Many recent studies point to the fact that in several years from now the United States will be faced with a doctor shortage. This will specifically affect primary care doctors. These are the doctors you see when you are feeling or having something wrong with you in a general sense. They help guide you towards finding a specialist and aiding in preventative measures. The American Medical Association has said it will support through financial incentives medical students who choose to go into primary care. However,  medical students feel the paperwork and charting required of primary care physicians is very tedious and difficult when the system is not built to treat chronically ill patients. President-elect Barack Obama will have a tough time charting through the teritory of making sure there are enough doctors to the people that need this. This will … Read more

Antidepressants Linked with TrkB-mediated Neural Proliferation

Scientists have unveiled a functional link between production of new neurons and the effectiveness of antidepressants (ADs) in an animal model. The study provides exciting insight into a mechanism that might underlie a poor response to antidepressive medications for anxiety or depression. Depression is a significant public health problem due to both its high prevalence and its devastating impact on individuals and society,” says senior author Dr. Luis F. Parada from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. “Despite much excitement generated by recent advances in the knowledge of brain development and function, the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of depression, as well as its amelioration by AD treatment, remain poorly understood.” Animal studies have indicated that chronic treatment with ADs leads to production of new neurons in a part of the brain called the hippocampus. Exercise, such as running, which … Read more

Pain, Nerve Blocks, and Prolotherapy

Both videos are by Dr. Marc Darrow. The first video addresses nerve blocks, complications, and how they affect chronic pain. The second video addressing prolotherapy which is the natural ability of the body to produce more collagen. Chronic Pain: Pain Management: Prolotherapy

Tools for Bloggers

Yesterday, I ran into a post on Problogger.net about AutoFilling Comment forms. easyComment is the name of the tool and it is a firefox plugin. What you do is fill in the typical entry forms when you make a comment on a blog include name, email, and website. You then save this information. Now anytime you are on a blog and ready to make a comment, you simply click the easy comment tab in the bottom of your firefox browser. Andy Beal, over at MarketingPilgrim.com recently came out with his list of the best 21 WordPress plugins. Anyone who has a blog should take a look at his list. There are some real winners on his list and I am using some of the plugins he recommends on this blog. I was inspired to add Math Comment Spam to this … Read more