Exercise Makes you Less Hungry

A new study looks at the effects of exercise on reducing one’s appetite. There are several hormones that help regulate appetite, but the in a study attention was payed to ghrelin and peptide YY. Ghrelin is the only hormone known to stimulate appetite whereas, peptide YY suppresses appetite. In the study, eleven male  students did three eight-hour sessions. During one session they ran for 60 minutes on a treadmill, and then rested for seven hours. During another session they did 90 minutes of weight lifting, and then rested for six hours and 30 minutes. During another session, the participants did not exercise at all. The participants filled out surveys indicating how hungry they felt. The researchers measured ghrelin and peptide YY levels at multiple points along the way. It was found that the treadmill activity caused ghrelin levels to drop … Read more

An Oral Surgeon and His Quest To Educate

I found the website of an Oral Surgeon living in England and teaching at the King’s College Dental School who has started a website to educate patients. His website addresses many of the issues surrounding wisdom teeth removal and their removal. I am suprised I did not find it until this month as looks like it has been around since 2007. On the website it states “As an Oral Surgeon, I find the more information you can give patients and dentists the better.” I feel the goals of his site are somewhat aligned with those of my own. He is also very knowledagle on different policy issues occuring in the UK. The website includes some very detailed explanations of problems and complications that can occur form tooth removal. http://www.exodontia.info/ExodontiaWarnings.html The website also includes some of the guidelines governing the practice … Read more

Health Bolt Every Day Giveaway

I just wanted everyone to be aware that this month Healthbolt is giving away a different gift to readers for free. The latest giveaway was a Detour Running bar. The current giveaway is a Be-Fit Mom DVD and book. All you need to do is head on over to Healthbolt, comment on the post, and explain why you should recieve the gift being offered. Again this is going on all month so if you are looking for a holiday gift here is your chance.

DailyStrength Has been Acquired

Several months ago I wrote a post about a website called dailystrength.org. If you are looking to learn more about Daily Strength check out my old post. The reason I bring this up is because the site has now been acquired for $3.13M by HSW International. TechCrunch reported on earlier this month. The company that has acquired Daily Strength has presence in China and Brazil. I am not entirely sure what this means for the company. The comments on Tech Crunch are also a bit disturbing.


Stress causes cortisol levels to increase within the body, which increases oil production and  causes acne breakouts. Getting more exercise, obtaining proper rest, and caring for skin are three basic steps to counteract these problems. Dermatologists have found when you’re stressed out, your body releases a hormone called cortisol. “When cortisol levels increase, oil production increases and sometimes that will cause acne in patients that have never even had acne before,” Flor Mayoral, M.D., a dermatologist in South Miami, Fla. As if acne wasn’t bad enough, stress can cause your hair to fall out too! “When people are stressed out, your body also responds by taking a time out, and we really do not need hair,” Dr. Mayoral explains. Men and women can develop alopecia — bald spots of hair in the beard or scalp — when they’re under stress. … Read more