Google Analytics – New “Opted In” Acceptance

So today I logged in to Google analytics to check some of the ways that people are find my site and was surprised to be greeted by a pop up asking me to accept some new terms. So what exactly was I accepting? I decided to did a little deeper. On the Google Analytics blog it states “You can … elect to share your data with other Google services. This setting will allow us to provide you with additional advanced new features. For example, many of you have asked us to integrate Conversion Optimizer (which is currently only available to AdWords Conversion Tracking users) into Google Analytics. By opting to share your data with Google, you’ll be able to take advantage of these related new features as they become available.” In addition there is also a new benchmarking service. In … Read more


What is Pharmacology? Pharmacology is the study of how substances interact with living organisms to produce a change in function. If substances have medicinal properties, they are considered pharmaceuticals. The field encompasses drug composition and properties, interactions, toxicology, therapy, and medical applications and antipathogenic capabilities. Development of medication is a vital concern to medicine, but also has strong economical and political implications. To protect the consumer and prevent abuse, many governments regulate the manufacture, sale, and administration of medication. In the United States, the main body that regulates pharmaceuticals is the Food and Drug Administration. (FDA) For more information about the topic Pharmacology, read the full article at

Page Rank Update

I am excited to announce that with the recent Google Page Rank Update this blog has gone from a Page Rank of 0 yes that is right zero, to a page rank of 3. I am not quite sure how this will change things but hopefully I will see more visibility in search results as well as hopefully additional advertisings on this site. For those who do not know, periodically Google Updates a page’s page rank from zero to 10, with 10 being the best. Few sites ever reach beyond a page rank of 7 as it gets exponentially more difficult to increase your page rank. I recently have learned more about the algorithm behind page rank in a electrical engineering class. Other popular bloggers have also seen a page rank bump, such as Affiliate Confession.

The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

I just wanted to share some thoughts on the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. They state on their website that their mission statement is ” to provide a means of self-government relating to professional standards, ethical behavior and responsibilities of its fellows and members; to contribute to the public welfare; to advance the specialty; and to support its fellows and members through education, advocacy and research.” I feel that by promoting the idea of removing healthy impacted wisdom teeth they are not living up to their mission statement. This is because of the harm it causes thousands of Americans each year when they suffer permanent nerve damage from an elective procedure, or the possibility of even death or more serious complications like a chronic 24/7 headache. Thus I feel that The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons … Read more

Migraines Linked to Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

New research shows women who have weekly migraine are significantly more likely to have a stroke than those with fewer migraines or no migraine at all, but those with lower migraine frequency may face increased risk of heart attacks. The Women’s Health Study involved nearly 28,000 women health professionals in the United States who were 45 and older. The women did not have cerebrovascular disease at the beginning of the study and were followed for an average of 12 years. During that time, 706 cerebrovascular events, 305 heart attacks, and 310 ischemic strokes occurred. Of the 3,568 women with migraine at the start of the study, 65 percent reported migraine less than once a month, 30 percent reported one migraine a month and five percent reported at least weekly migraine. Compared to women without migraine, the study found women who … Read more