Get smarter about wisdom teeth

Dr. David Leader of the Malden Dentist wrote a great article about the current views, issues, and opinion surrounding the removal of wisdom teeth. The article in it’s entirety is located at the following URL I have some excerpts below from the article. “Many do not realize that there is a controversy in the dental community regarding the advisability of prophylactic wisdom tooth (third molar) extraction… This difference of opinion leaves the patient and perhaps their parents with a difficult decision. It is important to listen carefully to their dental advisors, their general dentist and their oral surgeon. Read the informed consent materials and ask questions. Patients must then decide if the recommendations of third molar extractions make sense to them. Then, patients will have to live with the good and bad results of their choices.” The article discusses the … Read more

Google Page Rank

Google Page Rank Another round of page rank updates has rolled out recently. I am pleased to announce that the page rank of this blog increased from a 3 to a 4. The page rank on the main domain Is only a 3. Thus, the blog has a higher page rank. I find this interesting because I hardly ever promote the blog subdomain when marketing this website. I always use the root domain name. Thus it appears that Google gives preference to WordPress blogs over regularly designed websites. Or perhaps it is due to the plugins I am running in WordPress and which are not running on my main root level domain. Regardless, if you are seeking to start a new website it is a good idea to use a WordPress blog or use one in conjunction with your … Read more

8 Things You Don’t Want to Happen to You in an American Hospital

There are eight things that you must never let happen to you while you’re in hospital.  If they do, health insurers say they will no longer pay out. Tired of picking up the tab for the vast number of doctor and hospital errors that happen in American hospitals every year, health insurers have listed eight no payout errors. Around 2 million people get an infection every year while staying in an American hospital, and a further 100,000 will die as a result. The eight no payout errors relate to: air embolism blood incompatibility catheter-associated urinary tract infection decubitus ulcer (pressure sores) vascular catheter-associated infection surgical site infection mediastinitis (infection of the chest area) falls and trauma objects left in the body after surgery. But wait. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) are planning on adding a further nine … Read more

Biomedical Engineers Improve Dental Imaging and Care

Biomedical engineers used advanced cone beam imaging technology take a series of two dimensional x-rays, which enabled them to create a detailed three dimensional picture of the patient’s mouth. Better images allow dentists to increase their understanding of the patient’s mouth and predict the outcome of procedures with improved accuracy. In eight-and-a-half seconds, a machine can take 435 X-rays of Samantha Kotey’s jaw and teeth, creating full 3-D imaging with more detail and accuracy and less radiation than a traditional dental X-ray. Physicist, Jeff Sitterle, Ph.D., says it’s just one way researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta are changing the science of dentistry. “We’re focusing on very new technologies and these technologies are actually things that have been utilized in other types of manufacturing and other industries, but they fit very nicely into dentistry,” Dr. Sitterle, chief … Read more

Topamax Increases Risk of Kidney Stones

Topiramate (Topamax), a drug commonly prescribed to treat seizures and migraine headaches, can increase the propensity of calcium phosphate kidney stones, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found. A study — the largest cross-sectional examination of how the long-term use of topiramate affects kidney-stone formation — appears in the October issue of the American Journal of Kidney Diseases. Several case reports have described an association between topiramate and the development of kidney stones, but this complication had not been well recognized and physicians have not informed patients about the risk, the UT Southwestern researchers said. More important, the mechanism of stone formation was largely unknown previously. “The wide-spread and escalating use of topiramate emphasizes the importance of considering the long-term impact of this drug on kidney-stone formation,” said Dr. Khashayar Sakhaee, senior author of the study and chief of … Read more