Wisdom Teeth News

A recent article suggests that ongoing study “links even pain-free wisdom teeth to early gum disease that worsens over time, sometimes causing havoc far beyond the mouth. Indeed, pregnant women with gum disease around their wisdom teeth appear to be much more likely to give birth prematurely than unaffected pregnant women. The latest data suggest that as many as 80 percent of people will develop problems with their wisdom teeth.” I don’t know who came up with this but I don’t think it’s accurate. Most experts no longer believe that crowding is a concern, but the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons typically wrongfully recommends pre-emptive pulling in young adulthood, before symptoms arise, when roots haven’t yet fully formed and surgical risks are lowest. “If you have to have them out when you’re 45, you will not enjoy that,” … Read more

Dental Blogging Contest

Here is another contest around the net and this time it is the focus of dental care. The contest will award the top 3 with $150 worth of wordpress theme coding. This is perfect for anyone who is starting a new blog or website or just wants a redesign. What this means is that your design that has already been done (in like a .psd file) is coded, cut up, and optimized and will then work with wordpress and be a new theme. If you don’t have a .psd file or a design you can also get one made for you. Along with this prize other prizes include receiving free banner advertising and listing on a website. In addition free web hosting is being offered. Head over to dental blogging for your chance to enter and win one of these … Read more

Achieving Publicity

If anyone suffers from a chronic illness they know that in order to help achieve better treatment options for patients and a cure for the disease it needs to achieve publicity. The following are some ways to help better make others know about certain illnesses and conditions so that additional research and knowledge can be attained. 1) Post links as soon as anything is published and share these links with others. I recommended looking at the “Share This” link on the bottom of this post to see some ideas of social networks to share with. 2) Write to doctors with columns in the papers. If you don’t hear back, write another letter. The practice is to write a 150-word ‘synopsis’ of the article you want to write – a bit about the condition, and with experiences you’ve (ie. doctors who … Read more

New Alexa Rankings

I keep up to date with website’s Alexa Rankings because they are indicator of a web site’s authority and reach. Today I noticed a major change in the way this site is ranked. It jumped significantly up in the 3 months ranking. Alexa says on there site… When Alexa began displaying rankings in 1998 it was with the goal of showing Alexa Toolbar users how popular any given site was within the Alexa community. We listened to your suggestions, and we believe that our new rankings system is much closer to what you asked for. We now aggregate data from multiple sources to give you a better indication of website popularity among the entire population of Internet users.You gave us many other suggestions as well, and we are working hard to implement them. We won’t tell any secrets just yet, … Read more

Gluten Free Vegan Diet

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients who eat a gluten-free vegan diet could be better protected against heart attacks and stroke.  A gluten-free vegan diet was shown to lower cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and oxidizedLDL (OxLDL), as well as raising the levels of natural antibodies against the damaging compounds in the body that cause symptoms of the chronic inflammatory disease.The idea that we can influence our health by changing our eating habits has become a fashionable idea among lifestyle and consumer magazines. There is evidence that dietary changes can bring about health benefits. Recently researchers found that the gluten-free vegan diet not only reduced LDL and oxLDL levels and raised antiPC antibodies but lowered the body-mass index (BMI) of the volunteers in that group. Levels of other fatty molecules, including triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) stayed the same. In contrast, none of … Read more