Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotic resistance has been called one of the world’s most pressing public health problems. The number of bacteria resistant to antibiotics has increased in the last decade. Nearly all significant bacterial infections in the world are becoming resistant to the most commonly prescribed antibiotic treatments. Every time a person takes antibiotics, sensitive bacteria are killed, but resistant germs may be left to grow and multiply. Repeated and improper uses of antibiotics are primary causes of the increase in drug-resistant bacteria. Misuse of antibiotics jeopardizes the usefulness of essential drugs. Decreasing inappropriate antibiotic use is the best way to control resistance. Children are of particular concern because they have the highest rates of antibiotic use. They also have the highest rate of infections caused by antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Parent pressure makes a difference. For pediatric care, a recent study showed that doctors … Read more

Key to Life

ScienceDaily (Feb. 29, 2008) — An important discovery has been made with respect to the mystery of “handedness” in biomolecules. Researchers led by Sandra Pizzarello, a research professor at Arizona State University, found that some of the possible abiotic precursors to the origin of life on Earth have been shown to carry “handedness” in a larger number than previously thought. Pizzarello, in ASU’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, worked with Yongsong Huang and Marcelo Alexandre, of Brown University, in studying the organic materials of a special group of meteorites that contain among a variety of compounds, amino acids that have identical counterparts in terrestrial biomolecules. These meteorites are fragments of asteroids that are about the same age as the solar system (roughly 4.5 billion years.) Scientists have long known that most compounds in living things exist in mirror-image forms. The … Read more

Making Some Headway

Just thought I would share about some of the success and not so success I have had with promoting on this website. I have been removed from the Google search temporarily and was never really clear on why, likely some link exchange I was doing. Now they have restored me but haven’t put me back in for my #1 keyword “wisdom teeth removal” Hopefully one of these days I’ll get back in. In other news I have been ranking well in yahoo and msn over the past few months for the same keyword. The following is what google webmaster tools is reporting so far for top searches this site appears for…. 1 11% wisdom teeth removal complications 23 2 9% wisdom teeth controversy 7 3 7% hollistic dentistry 3 4 7% what does the occipital nerve do 43 5 5% … Read more

Air Embolism During Wisdom Teeth Removal Causes Death

Between October 6,1986 and September 17,1987, 11 patients underwent insertion of mandibular dental prostheses by the same oral surgeon. Three patients suffered cardiac arrest during surgery and subsequently died. Two of the patients who died had received general anaesthetics and the other had intravenous sedation given by three different anaesthetists. All three patients arrested suddenly, developing profound cyanosis and electrical mechanical dissociation, underwent prolonged resuscitative efforts, and had marked hypoxaemia and hypercapnia, despite cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Two other patients had signs of injection of air but survived, one suffering cardiac collapse and the other sustaining massive subcutaneous emphysema. Air embolism was produced by inadvertent injection of a mixture of air and water, passing through the hollow dental drill, directly into the mandible to the facial and pterygoidplexus veins and thence to the superior vena cava and right atrium.  To find out … Read more

Subcutaneous Emphysema In Dental Procedures

Subcutaneous emphysema, surgical emphysema, or tissue space emphysema are different names for a similar condition, namely, the abnormal presence of air in tissue spaces Subcutaneous emphysema occurs rarely during dental procedures. When it does occur, it can be a frightening experience that often will be confused with an anaphylactic reaction. Differentiating the two conditions is not difficult. Palpation of the swollen head and neck areas will elicit crepitus, or a ‘Velcro’ sensation, that is not present in anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis occurs after exposure to an allergen that elicits an IgE-mediated hypersensitivity that leads to an abrupt onset of symptoms that may include pruritis of lips, tongue and palate; oedema of the lips; nausea; vomiting; dysponea; wheezing; rhinorrhoea; syncope and hypotension. Anaphylaxis is a true medical emergency, whereas subcutaneous emphysema is generally not life-threatening. Therapy for subcutaneous emphysema involves the following: (i) … Read more