Are there Brain Differences in People who suffer from Migraines?

A new study found that people with migraines have differences in an area of the brain that helps process sensory information, including pain.  The cortex area of the brain is thicker in people with migraine than in people who do not have the neurological disorder. Comparing 24 people with migraine to 12 people without migraine, the study found that the somatosensory cortex area of the brain was an average of 21 percent thicker in those with migraine. “Repeated migraine attacks may lead to, or be the result of, these structural changes in the brain,” said study author Nouchine Hadjikhani, MD, of The Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. “Most of these people had been suffering from migraines since childhood, so the long-term overstimulation of the sensory fields in the cortex could explain these changes. It’s also … Read more


Dr. Rozen at the Michigan Head Pain and Neurological Insitute  reccommended that I take 3 mg of melatonin for a few days and then increase this to 6 mg. You can buy melatonin at any pharmacy like walgreens or CVS. I have been taking it at bedtime for the past couple of nights 20 minutes before bed.  If you live in Australia or the European Union you are going to need a prescription.It has been very helpful in helping me get to sleep. For the past few nights I have fallen asleep within 30 minutes where as before it was taking me between an hour and 2 hours to fall asleep. Melatonin is intimately involved in synchronizing the body’s hormone secretions, setting the brain’s internal clock and generating circadian rhythms (daily biorhythms). These patterns govern the release of hormones that … Read more

Magnesium Oxide

I recently started taking magnesium oxide specifically 400 mg of Mag Ox (1 tablet) twice daily. You can purchase Mag Ox at Many people have a magnesium defiency and taking a multivitamin isn’t enough. Magnesium is an essential mineral needed by every cell in your body. Magnesium helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, helps keep heart rhythm steady, helps maintain normal blood pressure and bone strength, and aids in the absorption of calcium and potassium. If you are struggling with nerve damage taking magnesium might be beneficial. This is because Magnesium is an NMDA antagonist which may aid in reducing neuropathic pain. To read a case report written by several medical doctors visit

Visit To Michigan Head Pain and Neurological Institute

I just was in Ann Arbor at the Michigan Head Pain and Neurological Institute. I saw Dr. Todd Rozen. For anyone who is suffering from a headache that won’t go away or is really interferring with your life I strongly recommend you go to MHNI.  While I was there, I recieved extension testing ranging from bloodwork to EEG and EKG. Dr Rozen showed me a possible nasal contact that was occuring in my nose. No one thus far out of all the doctors I have seen and have reviewed my films suggestede this. He recommened I try a diagnostic liodacaine test with an ear nose and throat doctor. Dr. Rozen was also concerned by my consistently high blood pressure and tremor that occurs in my upper body. He was concerned that possibly I came in contact with a heavy metal … Read more

Costen’s Syndrome

I found some useful information on Costen’s Syndrome. Manifests with several symptoms that can be divided into auricular, articular and cranial. The joint is sensitive to palpation, with pain and crepitation. Hearing is poorer with buzzing in the earsdizziness and headache around the eyes, the crown and the back of the head. Today it is considered that only arthritic changes and neuralgia are realistic, and possibly certain auricular symptoms. One explanation for this condition is that these changes are preceded by loss of posterior or all teeth, during which the bite drops and the mandibula moves distally, pressing the joint (glavicom) discus articularis and posterior part of the joint chamber. The pressure causes the disk to deform and shift, so that it no longer protects the arch and posterior part of the joint chamber from nerve pressure. This causes irritation … Read more