Occipital Neuralgia
What is Occipital Neuralgia? Occipital neuralgia is a very specific type of headache, where the pain is in the back of the head, at the very top of the neck and behind the ears. This location relates to an area supplied by a nerve, called the occipital nerve, which usually gathers information about pain and touch from this exact area. In occipital neuralgia this area can also sometimes not feel normal sensations as well as usual. While it is usually only on one side of the head, it can sometimes be on both. Predisposing Factors Often the exact cause of occipital neuralgia is not found, but some of the more common causes are: Trauma (damage) to the back of the head ‘Pinching’ (entrapment) of the nerve by overly tight neck muscles Osteoarthritis of the bones in the neck, compressing the … Read more