Verapamil Can Cause Heart Problems

Verapamil is a commonly used headache medication. I was on verapamil for a 3-4 week period, before I had a reaction to it after I went in a hot tub, where veins in my body seemed really inflammed and were like popping out in the back. However, my second cousin has been using it for years successfully to treat and eliminate his chronic headaches. A new UK study suggests that at high doses the drug verapamil can cause heart problems and all patients being treated with the drug should have frequent electrocardiograms (EKGs) to check for irregular hearbeats.  The results showed that of the 108 patients whose EKGs could be monitored: 21 patients (19 per cent) had arrhythmias (irregular heart beat). 13 patients (12 per cent) had first degree heart block at 240 to 960 mg a day, with one … Read more

High Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Levels in People with New Daily Persitent Headache?

I have long thought that I have a lot of inflammation in my body, which is why I still have a headache, and was brought on by the sinus infection caused by removing my wisdom teeth. New research by Dr. Todd Rozen, at the Michigan Head Pain and Neurological Institute, suggests that almost all NDPH patients have an elevated level of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF α) in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). As about 30% of NDPH patients have their headaches start after an infection or illness, the possibility of a persistent state of systemic or central nervous system (CNS) inflammation comes into question. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α is a proinflammatory cytokine involved in brain immune and inflammatory activities, as well as in pain initiation. Elevation of CSF TNF α levels has been found in a select number of … Read more

Another Visit to the Acupuncturist

Well today I went to the acupuncturist again. He asked me how I was doing and I told him I noticed no improvement. Again I took of my socks and shoes and lay down. This time he put a few more needles in my head, but none in my feet. He then put the heat lamp over me, turned off the lights, put on some soothing music, and left. I remained in the room by myself for almost an hour. It does hurt to have needles in you for that long. Not only that, whenever I lay down I can feel my head pounding constantly. While, I could feel some different movements and sensations going on, the headache remained strong and would not go away. After, I made another appointment to see him. In Other News: Chocolate Better than Fluoride? … Read more

Visit to the Chinese Acupuncturist

Today I saw a new doctor, a Chinese acupuncturist. He was a very small guy and really enjoyed laughing. He had pictures hanging up on the wall of famous athletes he has seen. He proceeded by first having me fill out a few forms of background information and then we discussed my history. Next, he had me lay down and he performed some spinal manipulation. Then, he proceeded to insert needles into my head and neck. He put less than I was expecting, only about 4 on each side and he also put one in each of my feet.  After, he put a heat lamp over my head, turned on some soothing music, told me to relax, and turned off the lights and left the room. Let me tell you, the needles did hurt, especially the ones in my forehead. … Read more

August Visit to the Neurologist

I saw my neurologist today to discuss medications. I had been on verapamil for about 3-4 weeks. However, when I increased the dosage, I had a strange reaction after I went in a hot tub, where veins seemed to be really inflamed on my back and popping out. So I hadn’t been on any medication for 9 days. My neurologist decided that I should give amitritpyline a try and wants me to start out at 5 mg every day for 10 days. I have never been on amitritpyline before, but was on something notritpyline, which is similar for 3 months. Amitriptyline is an older antidepressant that has been proven effective for headaches. The reason I was on notritpyline instead of amitripytline is that amitripytline causes more side effects, and I tend to be susceptible to side effects. Hopefully I will … Read more