Differences Among Classifying Wisdom Teeth using Panoramic X-rays and Cone-Beam Computed Tomography

An interesting article titled “Is Panoramic Imaging Equivalent to Cone-Beam Computed Tomography for Classifying Impacted Lower Third Molars?” appears in the 2019 edition of the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery written by Brasil et al. The article explorers if panoramic radiography is able to give similar results as cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) for the degree of lower wisdom teeth impaction and when using panoramic radiography if the external oblique ridge is a reliable indicator for the degree of lower wisdom teeth impaction. In the article the authors discuss the Pell and Gregory classification which is used to classify the position of a wisdom tooth and can be used to potentially assess the risks of various complications. The authors state how wisdom teeth are usually evaluated using panoramic x-rays but this technique is susceptible to image overlap, magnification, and distortion, … Read more

Reducing Opioids in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

An interesting article titled “Opioid Prescribing Can Be Reduced in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Practice,” written by Tatch appears in the 2019 edition of the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. In the article the author discusses the results of implementing an office protocol for pain management to reduce opioid use in oral and maxillofacial surgery during a three year time period. Results from a similar study were presented previously in a post titled Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Current Perspectives on Opioid Prescribing. In the article the author discusses how a risk of opioids is dependence which can develop after just one week of using. The author came up with a 3-year retrospective study to measure changes in opioid use after the introduction of an office protocol which was designed to offer alternatives to pain relief. In the study a … Read more

Easing the Burden of Undergraduate Education Costs such as being awarded scholarships like one from Nancy Etz

For those who are considering additional education beyond undergraduate education, the costs can really start to add up. According, to the article “Considering Students’ Cost of a Dental Education: Return on Investment and Debt to Income Ratio” appearing in the Journal of Dental Education (vol. 81, no. 8, Aug. 2017, eS28-eS32), written by Allan J. Formicola, 28% of students graduating from dental school had debt of between $200,000 and $300,000. Even so, with such staggering amounts of debt for some students, most feel that the economic return of having a dental degree exceeds the costs of paying to acquire. Although at some point in the future this may no longer be the case. For those, who want to attend graduate level education like law, medical, and dental school, after undergraduate education, it makes sense to begin thinking about costs at … Read more

Clever Ways to Pay for College including a Scholarship from Melvin Brewing

It has been well document that college students today who graduate are facing mounting challenges, see for example the post Medical School Student Costs in the U.S. are Affecting Mental Health. The cost of college is a primary barrier for many in the U.S. According to the article Why Is College in America So Expensive? appearing in The Atlantic (Amanda Ripley, 2018), Americans spend about $30,000 per student a year—nearly twice as much as the average developed country. For many families finding a creative way to pay for college can be the difference between being able to attend full-time. Below describe some of the traditional ways along with more clever ways to help pay for college. 1. Scholarships Traditional routes to pay for college include scholarships. When looking for scholarship opportunities be sure to look far and wide. As many … Read more

Osteomyelitis after Wisdom Teeth Removal can Lead to Multiple Reconstructive Surgeries

Wisdom teeth removal is not without risks and complications such as osteomyelitits can occur. Osteomyelitits is an inflammation and infection of bone cortex and marrow that develops in the jaw. Some symptoms that can occur with osteomyelitits include high body temperature, increased pain, and neck swelling. In some cases emergency treatment is required to prevent death. In a case in 2012, a 24 year old man woman had an upper left and a lower right wisdom tooth extracted by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Five days after surgery the woman returned to the oral surgeon’s office where he discoveredmild swelling near the lower right wisdom tooth site, without pus, and a large amount of food debris. He irrigated the area, placed gel foam packing, and gave the woman a prescription for penicillin. Ten days after surgery the woman returned to … Read more