A recent story has appeared in ABC Action News (Tampa, Florida, U.S.) titled “Patient says dentist accidentally slit throat while pulling wisdom teeth: Patient expected refund after accident” by Jackie Callaway, July 9, 2013. The story described a man who had three wisdom teeth extracted earlier this year.
The man had the first two wisdom teeth removed successfully. According to the man, on the third wisdom tooth, the dentist slipped and came down to near his tonsil and cut his throat. The man says the swelling and pain was unbearable and he lost 12 pounds.
The man was interested in getting a refund for the $180 he paid for the dental visit; however, the refund was not made. In addition, the man’s wife had an upcoming appointment with the dentist office, which they canceled and were charged a $25 cancellation fee. The man reached out to ABC Action News and they contacted the dental office who then wrote them a check for the treatment fees and cancellation fee.
The full video segment (around 2 minutes) is embeded from ABC Action News below. It is also available on their website along with the full story. It is not clear as to the reasons the man had his third molars extracted. It is also not clear how he decided to use the services of the dentist who performed the surgery.
Not very nice when incidents like this happen but the circumstances surrounding the whole case seem abit strange. Will need to read further to find out the outcome.
Hope the Dentist has not been effected by the bad publicity.