With the recent Michael Phelps frenzy in the 2008 Summer Olympics a lot of people may have a renewed interest in the sport of swimming. I personally have been actively swimming regularily for the past few years.
I recently went on to the American Dental Association (ADA’s website) and took a look at some of their dental minute videos.
One such video discusses how swimming more than 6 hours a week can cause your teeth to become brown. Thus swimming chemicals can stain your teeth. This can be managed though with regular dental exams. To view the video by practicing dentist Dr. Maria Lopez Howell go to the following link http://www.ada.org/public/media/videos/minute/additional_swimmingpoolchemicals_broadband.wmv (you will have to download it)
Wisdom, I thought this was a particularly interesting clip too. It’s certainly not something that I’ve thought of before, but it does make sense.
I think people should continue to swim, of course, but just be more diligent with their oral hygiene routine.
Cory from Dental HEroess last blog post..Is Do-It-Yourself Dentistry a Good Idea?