How Often Do Problems Occur with Dental Sedation in Children

An interesting article titled “Assessing the safety of deep sedation in outpatient pediatric oral health care,” written by Henal Alpesh Gandhi and et. al. appears in the Journal of the American Dental Association (2023). The article assesses the safety of deep sedation supported care with pediatric dental treatment carried out in an outpatient setting. It is estimated that in the US, 100,000 through 250,000 cases of pediatric dental procedures with sedation occur each year. Most of the cases of among kids 3 to 5 years old. Children are predisposed to deep sedation and d general anesthesia related respiratory problems because of age-related variations in anatomy and physiology. Some of the reasons children need deep sedation for dental health care include extent of dental disease and amount of treatment needed,limited ability of the child to cooperate, and intent to protect the … Read more

Recreational Marijuana Uses Effect on Vital Signs and Anesthetic Requirements During Oral Surgery

An interesting article titled “Is Recreational Marijuana Use Associated With Changes in the Vital Signs or Anesthetic Requirements During Intravenous Sedation?” appears in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in January 18, 2023, written by Pooja Gangwani and et. al. The article sough to explore the association of cannabis’ psychoactive element tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) use on the vital signs and anesthetic requirements during sedation procedures. The study was the first to explore this findings on THC and its effects on sedation in the oral and maxillofacial surgery literature. In the article the authors used a retrospective cohort of 53 patients who were treated at an oral and maxillofacial surgery department between July 2018 and May 2022. The patients included in the study had undergone toxicology screening due to their history of recent drug use and received IV sedation. THC status was … Read more

Reducing Anxiety among Pediatric Dental Patients

An interesting article titled “an Anxiety Reduction Program as an Alternative to General Anesthesia for the Anxious Pediatric Dental Patient” was presented on July 23, 2021, at the virtual session of the 2021 International Association for Dental Research (IADR)/AADR/CADR General Session written by Suher Baker and et al. The research set to investigate the efficacy of a systematic Anxiety Reduction Program (ARP) using progressive desensitization to reduce anxiety in children to a level that would allow dental treatment to be performed in-office without the use of general anesthesia. Dental anxiety has been covered on this site before see for example the post Dental Anxiety and Fear: Impact on Oral Health. Children are more likely to experience an unfavorable and unforeseen incident caused by an error or omission during dental treatment that has negative health consequencies. This is because children do … Read more

Illinois Man Dies From Too Much Anesthesia While Having Teeth Extracted

A 51 year old man from Illinois died after having five teeth extacted in July 2021. He had has teeth extracted by an oral surgeon in Lake County which is North of Chicago. During the procedure he was given as given a single dose of 200 milligrams propofol. There was no anesthesiologist present and the oral surgeon was the one also administrating the anesthesia. During the tooth extractions, the man stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest. Emergency responders were called and when they arrived took the man to a hospital where he died the next day. According to statements from the Lake County Coroner there was too high of a dose of propofol given and this dose would cause a person to not breathe. Further, the oral surgeon did not supply supplemental oxygen until the tooth extractions were already … Read more

Has the FDA Warning for Children Under Three Affected General Anesthesia Use in Dentistry?

An interesting article titled “Prolonged General Anesthesia in a Pediatric Population” was presented on July 21, 2021, at the virtual session of the 2021 International Association for Dental Research (IADR)/AADR/CADR General Session written by Mary Younan and et al. The research sets to investigate if use of prolonged general anesthesia amongst pediatric dental patients has changed since 2016 when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) came out with guidance that said 3 or more hours of anesthetic exposure, may be a risk factor for cognitive defects, particularly for pediatric patients under 3 years of age. The researchers attempeted to see if a difference exists in the proportion of pediatric dental cases with general anesthesia time 180 minutes pre-FDA to post-FDA warning and to use a root cause analysis to identify factors that contribute to prolonged general anestehsia exposure of children … Read more