Vertigo After Tooth Removal

An interesting case report titled “Vertigo after tooth removal” appears in the British Dental Journal written by R. O’Rorke and et al. (vol. 231, no. 3, published August 13, 2021). The article describes a 26 year old woman who experience vertigo after having two teeth surgically extracted. The woman presented to the dentist with bilateral recurrent pericoronitis in relation to distoangularly impacted lower wisdom teeth. The woman had both of these wisdom teeth extracted while under local anesthesia, although there was a four week period of time between each extraction. During a teledentistry visit three days after the second tooth surgery on the lower left side, the woman complained of moderate pain, restricted mouth opening, and nausea. The woman was told she would be okay and to continue to maintain a good oral hygiene. Later on, the woman experience new-onsent … Read more

Vertigo and Dizziness After Wisdom Teeth Removal

One of the rare complications that can occur after wisdom teeth removal is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) where one experiences symptoms of vertigo and dizziness. This is discussed over on the wisdom teeth complications page at I have a long running survey on this website where I ask people to share their experiences with wisdom teeth removal see Some previous survey responses appear over at,,, and A few recent entries to my survey have discussed what seems to be getting BPPV after wisdom teeth removal. A Canadian women who had wisdom teeth extracted at age 21 said: “Diagnosed with BPPV 7 months after removal and chronic sinus infections that started 2 months after removal of wisdom teeth.” An American man who had wisdom teeth extracted at age 30 said: ” I went to … Read more