Ways to Improve Your Life: Meditation, Breathing Exercises, and Seeing a Therapist

There are different techniques that one can take to try to improve their overall health and life. It has long been thought by Yogis and Buddhists that meditation and breathing exercises strengthen our ability to focus. Other benefits include decreased mind wandering, more positive emotions, and decreased emotional reactivity. Now research has shown that a key element of mediation and mindfulness affects the level of a natural chemical messenger in the brain called noradrenaline. This noradrenaline is released when we are focused or challenged and if produced at the correct levels can help the brain grow new connections. The study was carried out by researchers at Trinity College and led the researchers to believe that it is possible to stabilize attention and boost brain health through breath control practices.  When people are stressed too much noradrenaline is produced and people can’t focus. When … Read more

Acheiving Optimal Peformance with Biofeedback and Neurofeedback

 I came across an interesting discussion about biofeedback in the journal called Biofeedback. I have experience with biofeedback and have discussed some of this here http://www.teethremoval.com/biofeedback.html. The article presents the narrative of a young cellist who is able to realize the potential of his talent and also able to eliminate migraine headaches. William, the name young musician described in the article, sought relief from migraine headaches that were affecting him almost daily. His therapy, however, did not take the approach of treating the headaches, but of focusing on William as a person and as a performer. By improving his functionality, working through moments of obsessiveness, self-criticism, fear, and anxiety, the headaches could also be resolved. William used sensors to read his brainwaves using software which gave feedback to the brain through a visual display and sound. This technology is able … Read more