4 Serious Infections You Can Pick Up in Hospital

A common concern from patients who are undergoing surgery is the risk of infection at the site of their surgery, particularly caused by bacteria that are commonly found in hospitals. While hospitals and operating theatres are kept spotlessly clean to an obsessive level and the risk of these infections is very low and made even lower by proper post-operative wound care, knowing about the common ones and how to spot them can be beneficial. Even if you do happen to pick up a bacterial infection, they are almost always easily treatable, apart from these few which might mean a longer hospital stay. Royalty Free Photo Staphylococcus Aureus The staph infection is one of, if not the most notorious hospital-acquired infections on this list. You might be surprised to learn that about one-third of us actually carry the Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria … Read more

Oral Surgery: Prepare Yourself for Post-Surgery Complications

Do you need oral surgery? You have to prepare yourself before undergoing any oral surgery procedure to avoid complications. By preparing yourself, you can get the advantage of a speedy recovery. Oral surgeries involve a local or general anesthetic. These outpatient surgeries require you to consult top oral surgeons such as a teeth removal doctor in Dallas – Fort Worth. Before surgery, you have to make several preparations. Strictly following post-operative guidelines will help you avoid any post surgical complications and decrease the chances of infection. Discuss with Your Dental Doctor People often ignore the importance of meeting an oral surgeon before surgery. This meeting is necessary to understand the dental procedure. Carefully listen to his/her instructions about recovery time, anesthesia, and operation. You should discuss any undergoing medical procedure or a current health condition with your surgeon. He/she should … Read more

Dental Extraction Complications in Patients on Double Antiplatelet Therapy

An interesting article titled “Hemorrhagic Complications of Dental Extractions in 181 Patients Undergoing Double Antiplatelet Therapy” written by Olga Olmos-Carrasco and et al. appears in the 2015 Journal of Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery (vol. 73, pp. 203-210). The study sought to explore if dental extractions can be done safely on patients with double antiplatelet therapy. Double antiplatelet therapy is the combination of 100 mg per day of acetylsalicylic acid and a second antiplatelet agent. This type of therapy is done to prevent blood cells from forming a clot in certain types of patients who have a history of coronary artery disease, or have had a heart attack or stroke. A total of 181 patients with a mean age of roughly 67 were included in the study.  Most of the patients (76.8%) were male. A total of 217 teeth were extracted … Read more

Comparing Complications from Anesthesia with Wisdom Teeth Extractions

An article titled “Anesthesia Complications of Diazepam Use for Adolescents Receiving Extraction of Third Molars,” appears in the 2016 Journal of Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery by Gino Inverso and et. al, vol. 74, pp. 1140-1144. The article seeks to evaluate the safety of midazolam and diazepam for adolescents during wisdom teeth extraction and whether any differences in complications exist when using the 2 benzodiazepines alone or in combination. Compared with diazepam, midazolam has a faster onset of action, greater incidence of amnesia, and shorter recovery time. The authors hypothesized that diazepam, when used as an intravenous sedative agent for third molar extraction, would be associated with a higher rate of anesthetic complication than midazolam. The study included patients enrolled in the OMSOS from January 2001 through December 2010. To be included, patients had to be adolescents (<21 yr old) who … Read more

How safe is deep sedation or anesthesia in dentistry?

An interesting article titled “How safe is deep sedation or general anesthesia while providing dental care?” appears in the Sept. 2015 issue of JADA (volume 146, issue 9, Pages 705–708) and written by Jeffrey D. Bennett and et al. The article discusses how deep sedation and general anesthesia are given daily in dental offices or practices and this is usually done by oral and maxillofacial surgeons and dentist anesthesiologists. Sedation and anesthesia is given to patients to be able to more easily perform procedures and keep the patient safe and comfortable. Unfortunately in rare cases problems can happen and hence the authors were interested in exploring this. The authors state “Using the available data and informational reports, the authors estimate that the incidence of death and brain injury associated with deep sedation or general anesthesia administered by all dentists most likely exceeds 1 … Read more