Reconsideration of decision making for third molar extraction

An article recently appeared in the Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery titled “Reconsideration of decision making for third molar extraction, “(vol. 37, pages  343-348, 2011) by Wonse Park and et al. I am unable to read the article since it is in Korean but the abstract is in English. The introduction of the article states “Third molar extraction is one of the most common procedures in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The impacted third molar causes many pathological conditions, such as pericoronitis, caries, periodontitis, resorption of adjacent teeth, and cyst or tumors associated with impacted teeth. Extraction is often considered the treatment of choice for impacted lower third molars. On the other hand, imprudent extraction of deeply impacted third molars can cause permanent complications, such as inferior alveolar nerve damage. Therefore, guidelines for the extraction of … Read more

Wisdom Teeth Removal Can Lead to Brain Damage

I have previously discussed how Austin Stone was left in a coma after having his wisdom teeth removed. Recently, I have seen that Megan Rae Comstock several years ago suffered from permanent brain damage as a result of an overdose of sedation while having her wisdom teeth removed. Specifically it appears that her brain was deprived of essential oxygen during the oral surgery which lead to the brain injury and damage. This is believed to have occurred due to the oral surgeon giving Megan more than the recommended amount of sedation during the procedure. It is quoted that Megan “went from being an accomplished pianist and equestrienne to one who is now challenged in these and in many other areas.” It is very unfortunate that complications from wisdom teeth removal can lead to brain damage which is a very serious … Read more

Stone Left Blind After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Earlier this year I reported on a teenager Austin Stone who was left in a coma after having his wisdom teeth removed due to complications from a faulty medical gas system Stone was very recently able to walk at his High School’s graduation ceremonies and receive his high school diploma.  However, he was left blind, hard of hearing, and now has speech problems. A special ceremony was arranged for him to receive his diploma and his father helped him walked to the stage. To learn more visit

An Oral Surgeon and His Quest To Educate

I found the website of an Oral Surgeon living in England and teaching at the King’s College Dental School who has started a website to educate patients. His website addresses many of the issues surrounding wisdom teeth removal and their removal. I am suprised I did not find it until this month as looks like it has been around since 2007. On the website it states “As an Oral Surgeon, I find the more information you can give patients and dentists the better.” I feel the goals of his site are somewhat aligned with those of my own. He is also very knowledagle on different policy issues occuring in the UK. The website includes some very detailed explanations of problems and complications that can occur form tooth removal. The website also includes some of the guidelines governing the practice … Read more