Abandoned Dentist Chair

I found this great photo of an abandoned dentist chair while searching through photos on Flickr. I think this image captures the fear many people feel when visiting the dentist. You may be feeling that something is going to go terribly wrong and that your life may be changed forever. Or you may feel really uncomfortable and want to be doing some other activity. The original URL is http://www.flickr.com/photos/22793898@N04/2191423773/

Dental Fear

Do you have a phobia or suffer from dental fear. Many people suffer from fear of going to the dentist. DentalFearCentral.org offers the following explanation. DENTAL FEAR is a reaction to a known danger (“I know what the dentist is going to do, been there, done that – I’m scared!!”), which involves a fight-or-flight response when confronted with the threatening stimulus. DENTAL PHOBIA is basically the same as fear, only much stronger (“I know what happens when I go to the dentist – there’s no way I’m going back if I can help it. I’m so terrified I feel sick”). Also, the fight-or-flight response occurs when just thinking about or being reminded of the threatening situation. Someone with a dental phobia will avoid dental care at all costs until either a physical problem or the psychological burden of the phobia … Read more