Choosing the Right Dental Office in Jacksonville FL

Choosing the right dental office can sometimes be difficult. Whether it is for you or someone you know, you have to ensure that the one you pick is the most suitable. There are a lot of factors that need to be considered for one to make the right choice. It is also important to note that a lot has changed during this COVID-19 pandemic. Clinics have had to change the way they dispense services in order to be able to adapt to the situation. Here is more information that can help you including how to get a top rated Jacksonville FL dentist. What are the different types available? Dentistry is a wide field of medicine hence it is divided into different categories according to specialization. It includes: Pediatric This caters to the needs of children. The practitioners are well-trained and … Read more

Dental Practitioners – Some Distinctions Between Pediatric Dentists and Other Types of Dentistry

All dental practitioners deal with oral health issues. While this is true, the practice is further divided into many fields that one can specialize in. As such, they perform different duties depending on the specialization. This creates various types of practitioners such as cosmetic, pediatric, and general dentists. The latter provides generalized oral healthcare services and is at the very basic level of dentistry. They can also do referrals where special care is needed. This article serves to highlight the differences between pediatric and other types of dentistry. For more details, you can for example visit a pediatric dentist in Roanoke and get your questions answered. What is the level of training? In general, all practitioners must acquire a bachelor’s degree from certified institutions and then proceed to attend and graduate from a legitimate dental school. This equips practitioners with … Read more

Five Benefits of a regular dental visit

There’s nothing better in this world than a healthy body, yet many people overlook medical checkups which are important. There are many medical checkups which an individual must undergo every year, and a dental checkup is one of them. Teeth are a prominent part of the face and have a direct impact on the personality of an individual. There are many benefits of a regular dental checkup, however in this article you will be guided through some of them. In most countries, doctors recommend patients visit a dentist at least once every 6 months. Some benefits of a regular dental visit are: 1.      Early detection of problems Most people are unaware of their dental problems for a long time. A regular visit to the dentist can help a person getting to know about any chronic issues present. The doctor will … Read more

Difference Between Oral Surgeons and Dentists

If a patient is in need of dental treatment there are different specialists to consider. Depending on the type of dental treatment being received a patient may be better off seeing a dentist or may be better off seeing an oral surgeon. Thus it is important to better understand the types of treatments a dentist and oral surgeon performs to be able to determine who to seek out. Treatments Performed by Dentists General dentists provide preventative care and maintenance. Preventive care includes performing dental cleanings, taking and interpreting x-rays, performing oral examinations, and monitoring the growth and development of teeth and jaws. Maintenance includes performing fillings of cavities, root canals for teeth that can not be restored, placing crowns, and other surgical procedures of the teeth, bone and soft tissues of the oral cavity. By seeing a dentist patients are … Read more

The Real Truth About Dentistry

An intriguing long form piece appears in the May 2019 issue in Atlantic titled “The Truth About Dentistry: It’s much less scientific—and more prone to gratuitous procedures—than you may think,” written by Ferris Jabr, see This article has a lot of people talking including dentists, physicians, and patients who have experience with dentists throughout the Internet on forums and Twitter (see The main shortcoming with this article in the Atlantic is it relies on an anecdotal story which forms the basis of the entire article. There are several themes to the article that will be discussed below along with additional themes not mentioned that are involved to form the real truth about dentistry. 1. Dentistry is a Business and some Dentists, just like in other Professions, are Bad Apples. The article describes a dentist Lund who overtreats patients … Read more