I wanted to let everyone know about the site It is a site by the British Dental Health Foundation. There is a section for the public, a section for the press, and a section for professionals. Most people will find the Dental Health Information Leaflets section in the for the public part of the website to be useful. There are numerous useful dental related categories such as wisdom teeth, what to do following an extraction, x-rays, and so on. Since the site is from the British Dental Health Foundation, it’s intended audience is for people who live in Britain so this is important to keep in mind. Even so the information can be helpful for everyone. The site is arranged so that frequently asked questions for each category are asked and then answered. For example, in the wisdom teeth … Read more

Dental Sources of Information

If you are looking for dental information online there are several great sources of information to read. First, thanks for stopping by here at If you are looking for great information from a dentist online,  I would highly recommend Dr. David Leader. He frequently writes articles (usually at least once a month).  You can view his articles over at Some of the more recent article titles include “What Causes Cavities,” “Oral Surgery – Before and After,” and “Reasons to Call your Dentist.” Another source of dental information is the ADA (American Dental Association) News Today. They have many updated articles on dentists and various dental programs throughout the country. You can visit ADA News Today at There are many other websites and blogs that provide useful and informative dental information. Many have been covered before on this … Read more