Do Teeth Define Your Personality?

I was alerted to an interesting infographic that was just produced by The infographic discusses some different characteristics of teeth. It also discusses some statistics about how 164 million work hours per year are spent treating dental problems for adults and 51 million school hours per year are spent treating dental problems for children. (Click to enlarge) [Via: Carrington College’s Dental Assisting Training Program]

In Light of the Allegations of Child Sex Abuse at Penn State…

By now I am sure everyone has at least heard that Joe Paterno has been fired as the head coach of the Penn State college football team due to child sex abuse allegations made against one of his former assistant coaches. As discussed a few times on this blog and as indicated as a potential unfortunate risk of having wisdom teeth extracted there is the possibility of being sexually assaulted while under anesthesia to have wisdom teeth removed. As expanded on and discussed at many of the drugs that dentists and oral surgeons give during the surgery can cause in rare instances sexual hallucinations. This means that it is possible for no repercussions and/or loss of license and/or jail time to occur and it can be difficult to distinguish between dreams and actual molestation in the court of law. In … Read more

Dental Networks – The Rising Popularity of Social Dentistry Marketing

As a dentist you may be put off by the thought of “marketing” your dental business. After all you didn’t major in business, but rather in dentistry. However, marketing your dentistry business is of great significance. The major reason for dental marketing is to get as many patients as you can. This should be the key factor of your marketing plan. To achieve this goal, you also need to set an online platform where you must create a space for professional recognition. So what comes to your mind first? Social media? Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn? Let’s see the consequences. Undoubtedly, social media has played a great role in how businesses have reshaped marketing. This is why medical marketing on social media is the hype these days. However, creating recognition in a highly competitive market can be exigent. So it’s better … Read more

Are Dentists Ethical or Scam Artists?

Recently The Journal of the American Dental Association has been running some “Ethical Moments” regarding dentists. This is purely propaganda and should not be taken at face value. For example Jeffrey C. Esterburg wrote an article titled Are Dentists Losing Their Status as Professionals? (J Am Dent Assoc, 2011; 142, 1084-1085). He opens up the article saying “As a new dentist, I am becoming increasingly concerned that what it means to be a dental professional is being lost in the eyes of the public and our vendors and consultants.” He goes on to discuss some conflicting pressures he is faced with running his dental practice. He then goes on to discuss the American Dental Association Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct. He closes the article by saying “The size of our hearts defines our success much more than does the size of our practices, homes or bank … Read more