Man destroys dental office after dentist refuses to remove suspected electronic eavesdropping device

In the past on this site it has been described how there may be a wisdom teeth conspiracy where dentists or oral surgeons implant an electronic eavesdropping device also known as a microchip inside patients mouths after wisdom teeth removal. This is described in the post Wisdom Teeth Conspiracy: Electronic Eavesdropping Device although no concrete proof of such a conspiracy is provided. It was however speculated that it could be possible to place a radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip with potential for Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking capabilities inside a patients mouth. If this was done it may be possible for someone to observe and hear everything the person says and also know their exact location. Recently, it has been reported that a man in Brazil and his wife believed that the woman had a microchip secretely implanted in her mouth … Read more

Robotic technology for dental implants

Oral surgeons are now using a robotic guidance system to assist with dental surgery for tooth implantation. The YOMI Robotic Dental System made by Neocis is the first FDA cleared robotic device for dental surgery for dental implants. The dental robot helps dentists and oral surgeons map out and customize a treatment plan individualized for each patient. The robot help to augment the clinical expertise of skilled implant dentistry teams. The dental robot helps to elimate any guesswork when it comes to the surgery and is able to show exactly the the depth, cutting position and needed angles the procedure needs to achieve the most optimal results. The dental robot acts like a guide and still allows the operator to modify the treatment plan if needed. The dental robot allows for dentits and oral surgeons to operate more quickly and more … Read more

Parents Sue After Three Year Old Kansas Boy Died from Dental Work

In July 2021, a three year old boy died after having dental work done in Kansas. A few months later the parents filed a lawsuit against the the dentist, the dental office, the nurse anesthetist, and the anesthesia company. The young boy needed to have some teeth removed due to a gum infection. He went with his mother to two dental offices in southwest Kansas to help choose a dental office. Ultimately a dental office was chosen in Wichita, Kansas which was four hours from their home. According to the timeline of events in the lawsuit, during the boy’s dental work he was given anesthesia with propofol and ketamine by the nurse anesthetist at 7:15 A.M. Around 8 AM the boy was given another dose of propofol by the nurse anesthetist. Around the same time the nurse anesthetist noticed an … Read more

Should we Remove Wisdom Teeth Before Bone Disease Therapy?

An interesting article titled “Pediatric-Antiresorptive Use: Should We Intervene on Third Molars Early?” written by Michael J. Cimba and et al. appears in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (vol. 79, pp. 1817−1818, 2021). The article seeks to address if oral surgeons should consider preventatively extracting wisdom teeth in children before they start bone disease therapy to prevent jawbone destruction. In the article the authors discuss how removing wisdom teeth that have not yet fully developed in children before they begin antiresorptive therapies may prevent them from developing medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ). MRONJ, a progressive death of the jawbone, is a side effect of antiresorptive therapy such as bisphosphonates and denosumab, which are drugs used to treat bone (osseous) diseases and cancer-related conditions. It is well known that dental extractions like removing wisdom teeth can increase the risk … Read more

Can Neck Hyperextension During Dental Treatment Lead to Stroke Like Symptoms?

An interesting article titled “Major Neurological Deficit Following Neck Hyperextension During Dental Treatment: Report of 2 Cases and Review of the Literature,” written by Victor G. El-Hajj and et. al. appears in the 2022 edition of the The Neurologist. The authors discuss two cases where patients had dental treatment performed and then suffered from neurological impairment due to hyperextension of the neck. Both patients had routine dental treatment done and had their necks overstretched which lead to a hopsital stay. The first patient discussed was a 67 year old man who saw his dentist for bridgework. He had been taking a medication for high blood pressure for nine years but had no history of cerebrovascular events. The man’s dental work took around 45 minutes and he was given local anestheisia. His neck had to be extended during the procedure to … Read more