Reducing mental distress in patients undergoing dental procedures including hypnosis, relaxation, and counseling

An interesting article titled “Non-pharmacological interventions for reducing mental distress in patients undergoing dental procedures: Systematic review and meta-analysis” by Sophia Burghardt  et al., appears in the Journal of Dentistry in 2018 (vol. 68, pp. 22 – 31). The article seeks to determine the effects of hypnosis, enhanced information, relaxation, music, or cognitive-behavioral approaches on adults undergoing dental procedures. The researchers explored 29 randomized controlled trials and found through random effects meta-analyses significant reduction of mental distress when patients underwent a non-pharmacological intervention. In particular the largest effect was shown for hypnosis. People experience anxiety and fear of going to a dentist and some even have a diagnosable condition of dental phobia. Research shows a general dentist is capable of treating adults with mild or moderate forms of dental anxiety but those with severe dental anxiety or even dental phobia often requires … Read more

Your Dentist Can Help Protect You From Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition affecting up to 100 million Americans, making it one of the biggest health concerns facing the U.S.. While it can be managed with a change in diet and prescription medication, there is also a role for your dental practitioner. They will be able to tell from examining your mouth whether you are at risk and can perform procedures to stabilize blood sugar levels. Poor dental health can tell you so much more about your health than just the condition of your teeth and has been linked not just to physical conditions but also to poor mental health. Don’t be afraid to ask your dentist if they see any other health concerns during a dental checkup, particularly having to do with diabetes. The Link Between Diabetes and Dental Diseases Even if a doctor hasn’t diagnosed you with diabetes, you … Read more

Dentist Removed the Wrong Teeth, What Can I Do?

When it comes to visiting the dentist, there aren’t too many people who particularly enjoy the prospect of having dental work done nor, of course, the possibility of having to have a tooth removed. Fortunately, the vast majority of dental procedures are safe, effective and go according to plan without any problems along the way.  That said, of course, (and as with anything else in life), there’s always potential for something to go wrong and having the wrong tooth extracted is certainly no laughing matter (in every sense of the word). What can I do if my dentist extracts the wrong tooth, or teeth? If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having the wrong tooth (or teeth) extracted then you’ll naturally want to make a claim against your dentist to compensate you for their error. Using a team … Read more

7 Tips for Dealing with Teeth Grinding

Dealing with teeth grinding can be a real challenge, but as it’s a problem that can cause headaches, jaw pain and damage to your teeth too, it’s not something that should be ignored. For those that  grind teeth during the day or the night, here are seven tips for how to deal with it and prevent it: Break the Habit Teeth grinding is a habit that may be breakable. The first step is identifying the times when you grind your teeth. This is obviously much easier if you grind your teeth during the day. By making a note of each teeth grinding episode you can start to work out why you grind your teeth. It may be a response to stress or something you do when you’re really concentrating on a task. Once you’ve identified the situations that lead to … Read more

Is Flossing Really Beneficial?

As the perceived wisdom goes, flossing helps keep your teeth healthy and prevents gum disease. However, studies in recent years have called into question this long-established recommendation, see also So what are the benefits of flossing, if any? Despite the apparent lack of evidence for any health benefits of flossing, both the British and American dental associations still recommend incorporating it into your daily routine. And whilst the evidence to support flossing isn’t there, there isn’t any evidence to show that the activity doesn’t have any benefits. The purpose of using dental floss is to remove food and other residue from between the teeth. It can also help to prevent bloody gums and inflammation from gingivitis, as well as reduce the build-up of plaque on teeth. Reducing all of these factors can help prevent gum disease. So although there … Read more